One: introduction

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- My first chapter, excuse this crappy chapter it'll get better I promise x lmao

Who gave this boy the right to look this good? Lacey thought as she watched her best friend fit into his black tuxedo. He glanced in the mirror, fixing his bow tie before turning around to face Lacey, snapping her out of her daydream.

"What do you think?"he asked. She squinted her eyes, pretending like she was thinking really hard about the suit when deep down she wanted to tell him how gorgeous he looked.

"It looks nice, Josh"she said nonchalantly, trying to sound not too interested. "You think Stephanie will like it?"he asks with a raised brow. Lacey scoffs, her stomach instantly churning at the sound of her best friend's snobby girlfriend's name.

"Why do you care? Aren't you just going to drop her after Homecoming?". Josh smirked, "I am but I still need to look good when I drop her and go for somebody else".

"When will you stop this?"Lacey asked in annoyance.

Josh went from girl to girl every month. It's been like this since they were fifteen, she doesn't know why and Josh didn't plan on telling anyone the reasons for his actions. He shut everyone else out, everyone except Lacey and that's why they were such good friends. But even though they told each other everything they were both hiding things.

Josh had his reasons for being the fuckboy he is.

Lacey was madly in love with him.

"Let's pay for the suit and we can grab tacos or something"he brushed off Lacey's question and walked back into the dressing room. Lacey sighed as she looked through her notifications on her phone.

All of them being Instagram or Tweet notifications.

But then her eyes came across a text message from Jessica Parker, North High's social butterfly.


It's a Friday. What else do you have going on for the rest of the weekend anyway?

Josh stepped out of the dressing room. "Let's go"he said as he made his way to the lady at the cash register who'd been eyeing them the whole time, wondering if they were ever going to buy anything.

"Hey, why don't we go to Jason's tonight?"Lacey asks. Josh rolled his eyes, "Why would we go to that prick's house?".

"It's a party and I want to go"Lacey purses her lips. "His honestly just looking for a girl to fuck, Lace"Josh said as he smiled at the lady, giving her a small nod and taking the shopping bag out of her hands.

"Don't act like you don't do that on a daily"Lacey muttered under her breathe as soon as they got out of the store. But to her luck Josh heard his best friends words which cut through him like a sharp knife.

"Ya know what? Go. Just know im not tagging along"Josh spat venomly as he began to walk faster, away from Lacey.

"Josh!"she called out as she began running after him. "Look, we can just watch movies at my place then"she suggested. Josh broke into a boyish grin. "That's what I'm talking about"putting his arm around Lacey as they began to make their way out of the mall.

Lacey got comfortable. Slipping into her sweats and Josh's grey hoodie which she just couldn't seem to give back. It smelt like ciggerets and his cologne, she felt whole, like she was with him all the time when she wore it.

She tied her hair into a messy bun and then made her way downstairs to make popcorn before Josh arrived and the movie started.

Popping the popcorn packet into the the microwave she then put soar worms into a bowl and other sorts of candy.

Then her phone buzzed in the pocket of her sweatpants. Reaching out for it she saw Josh's name.

Raincheck on the movie? Stephanie called , she's feeling lonely.

Those words had enough power to make her heart stop in a way. Her heart was beating fast and her vision started getting a bit blurry.

That's when she decided to follow her head. Instead of her heart. She went to her contact list, skimming through names until she found Jessica's name.

I need help with getting ready, meet me at my house?

And seconds later Jessica was ready to turn Lacey McKenna into a total different person.

- On my way!

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