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A/N: Been trying to upload this for months but something always happened and the computer crashed. No, Bob didn't do it. This persona may be cursed. *shrug* I dunno.

Name: Ryo Hiou

Alias/Nickname: Ryo-chan, Ryo-sama, Ryo-hime, Persona of Patience 

Age: physically 15

Gender: female

Species: pureblood vampire

Hair color: snow white

Eye color: pink

Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: can make herself the appearance of a 5 year old child or a 15 year old teen, manipulate sakura petals, can wield anti-vampire weapons, rapid healing,

Weapon(s): katana

Involved in: Frozen Rose, RP, Seeress

Personality: calm, gentle, stoic, elegant, intelliegent, innocent

Family: Shizuka Hiou-mother, Rido Kuran-father, Ayane Yagari Kuran-older half sister, Oichi Yagari Kuran-older half sister, Yuki Kuran- cousin, Kaname Kuran-ancestor, Maria Kurenai- distant relative

Partner: None

Likes: reading, quiet places, rose tea, kimonos, lolitas, sakura blossoms, snow, blood

Dislikes: none

Fears: none

Sayings: none

Extra: bisexual

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