
13 1 1

Name: Angeline Dalles

Nickname/Alias: Angie, Little Red, Cousin Red

Age: 13

Gender: female

Species: human

Hair color: red

Eye color: were red but are now amethyst

Appearance: look at pic but has a demon mark in both her eyes which is why they are amethyst, usually wears some sort of red clothing

Powers/abilities/styles/gifts: commanding her demon to do her binding

Weapons: none

Involved in: The Story of Little Red

Personality: stubborn, shy, observant, cunning, a bit whimsical

Family: Madam Red-mother, Ciel Phantomhive- cousin, Lizzy- cousin

Partner: none

Likes: reading, being alone in the garden, playing with Pluto, rose tea 

Dislikes: being cold, blood, Lizzy making her wear cute things

Sayings: none

Extra: straight

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