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"Oh come on, Jaz! It'll be loads of fun!" my best friend, Holly, begs me. She's in love with this band, All Time Low, and is insistent on my attendance to their concert in our town in a few weeks. "Holly, for God's sakes! If I say I'll go, will you shut up about it?" I ask, obviously annoyed by her persistence. "Probably not," she replies with a shrug of her shoulders. "Alright.. fine.. I'll go. But we're going to the concert and that's it. No chasing down tour buses, got it?" I warned, remembering the last concert I had taken Holly too. She blushed and nodded. "It was Brendon Urie though! He's perfection!" Holly explained, as if that justified her absurd actions. I sat down on the small white love seat in the tiny living room of the flat she was renting, sighing. What have I gotten myself into? I looked up at my best friend, smiling. Oh Holly... Holly, Holly, Holly... I really don't understand how we are even friends, or how we can stand to be in the same room as each other, for that matter. We are such opposites. I'm organized and I've got my life all planned out, step by step, each major event on a timeline or chart, the way my life is supposed to happen. On the other hand, my wild best friend is a mess. She bases her decisions of her emotions, never plans ahead for anything, and is totally obsessed with people she doesn't even personally know. I swear, it's like she never left high school.

"Jaz! Earth to jasmine!" I snapped out of my thoughts, my eyes focusing in on the girl in front of me, her mouth spewing out words at a mile a minute. "Holly, calm down please.. How about we plan our outfits for the concert?" I suggested with a smile. Her eyes lit up. "Yes yes! I must look absolutely perfect for when we meet the guys!" She exclaimed, running down the hall to her bedroom. I followed, shaking my head. She was certainly a handful.

Stupid and FearlessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora