(un-edit) Yandere Cookieman x sweettooth Reader

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*Warning: extremely short oneshot*

I was going to create a cookie x reader but hardly anything to go in in terms of oneshot how they meet and yandere gets her without making it look like I infringe copyright of sweettoothed x yandere candy stories on Quotev and Wattpad platforms. so i scratched the idea completely.

Except this line I did make  is all I have. Use your imagination.

Latest A/N: I couldn't take it anymore, I have to make a short oneshot to go with the cringy line.

First name: You or You're.
Last Name will be the same as it would with any readers oneshot.
Eye colour: e/c
Hair colour: h/c
Favourite colour f/c
Hair accessories, banana, hjib, or hat.

Age: 17-20

Likes: Sweets, special cookies, grandma, parents, old-fashioned confectionery shops.
Doesn't like: expired food, people sticking chewed bubblegum in random places, lies.


Dark yandere cookieman x sweettoothed reader.

'Watch out cause the cookie-man is gonna getcha and make you his doughtiful bride, so don't let him catch you!'

It was an song that uses to be in the television advertisement for batch of a new blend of chocolate chip cookies my grandmother used to watch as a teenager when she was pregnant with my mother many years ago.

It was a weird song, but it brought more customers into sweet shops. As soon as video players became a thing, she bought box, empty video tape, and recorded the song. She used to play it for my mother. Who in turn showed it to me.

When I was very little, we used to visit the candy store down the street and buy  a box of those cookies. Absolutely heavenly and rich chocolatey goodness. It was as if they were magic treats. Sadly, the manufacturer of the cookie brand soon went bankrupt and had to shut everything down.

From what I could gleam from my parents, the company had spread out to too many branches and couldn't pay all their workers anymore. To me, it meant no more cookies, and I was very sad for a week. Over time, I came to accept that no one would be able to have it anymore.

 There were times over the years I developed craving for those cookies, but my grandma had come up with a clever trick to bake cookies and throw in different chocolate chips.

It worked part of the time, and sometimes it didn't. I had to come up with other options.
It soon got to the point that my dentist said I needed to be more mindful of my oral health. Otherwise, the sugar would rot my teeth and have to get bracing and fillings. That scared me. Started to add more fruit into my diet.

Oh, how I'd give to just have one more box for old times sake.


Walking home after (after school job/work) had completely drained you. Shoulders slumped and feet dragging like you had ankle cuffs attached to a heavy metal ball. The only aim was to get home  with a shower and relax for the rest of the afternoon.

That was until you spotted a flyer posted to a light pole. Upon a closer looks your dark/ light eyebrows turn up.

Cookiemans Bakery Grand Opening day.

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