Your Poor Wife

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(This one is alittle mature)

Colossus P.O.V

I alway have Wade's stupid word stuck in my head, that day one the highway, when he try to hurt me by punching me in my nethers, he said "your poor wife". Now i would'nt really pay attention to what he say's but i feel worried, what if i do hurt my wife, y/n, my beautiful y/n, she is a beautiful strong woman, we met one day on a mission, she's not a mutant but she help me alot during a mission where a bad mutant try to hurt alot of people in a high school, yes she was a high school student, and i am older, but she's 25 now and we are newly wed, and she works at the school as a teacher in Astronomy and Geology and helps the kids through what ever they need. She also has yoga, self defense and outdoor clubs and activities she does with them. I don't want to hurt her, i've seen her hurt before and it breaks my heart, i even have nightmares sometimes, nightmares about y/n getting hurt or even worse, her dying.

I enter the mansion, exhausted after another mission, scared teen mutants who think they know what their doing are hard to get by, you want them to know they are not alone, that Xavier's school for Mutants is there for them. Luckly the kid agreed to come to the school. As i finish showing her to her room i decide i go to my room, it getting late and i just want to see my beautiful wife and go to sleep. As i go to my room i notice y/n is not there, i just asume she is in the restroom. As i sit on the bed she comes out of the restroom. "My love! your home!" she embraces me, and i notice she is quite danty, which makes me thinks i might hurt her, and that worries me. 'y/n, how was your day?" "boring i was so anxious to see you, and now your here and i love you" " y/n.... i have a question" "and what is it honey?" "do i....hurt you when were you know...making love?" she looks at me suddenly, her cheeks have a red tint to them, although we have only done the do twice, i feel as if we don't do it anymore because i hurt her. She suddenly has a confused expression, "Piotr why would you ask that?", I sign, "i don't know y/n, i just.....the day i went to go get Wade, on the highway, he thought i would get hurt if he punched me...down there, and me being made out of steel when he punched me his hand broke, and he said "your poor wife", and it made me think, do i hurt you in any way? i would never hurt you and you know i get nightmares about you getting hurt, and we haven't done the do since our wedding night, and the morning after, i can't help but wonder if i hurt you in some way." she looks at me for a moment, my heart starts to break because i have a feeling maybe i have hurt her and she's to scared to tell me. "y/n?" she then smiles, a small smile and says " done the do? what are we twelve? Piotr you should know damn well you don't hurt me, and quite frankly, i haven't let us make love for a long time because... well i don't know, i thought you didn't want to, your always busy and i know helping mutants is important to you and it is to me to, AND i don't know if you were ready to maybe have kids? you know if you can? i really want to try, if your willing to" At that moment my worries went away, i kiss my beloved, " y/n i promise to you i will never hurt you, and i think we should start if you want to, right here right now."

She giggles and gets on my lap, things start to get heated as she gets undressed then i do as well, and well lets say we just made some extreme cute mutant twins 9 months later, a boy, Anton who has my ability of turning his skin into metallic steel and being super strong for his young age, and our daughter, Elsa who can turn invisible and can change her skin to unbreakable glass, and she is a very intelligent kid. Life is going just right for me, now my worries of hurting y/n are gone and i have 2 beautiful kids.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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