"Decide to what?" I looked up at him and his face had turned into concern.

I quickly changed that, though. "Nothing! Well, are you going to introduce me?" I motioned towards the rest of the boys.

Harry smiled and nodded. "Boys! This is Melrose Martin. You might know her Dad. He's Chris Martin. Coldplay." 

They did what I expected. Their eyes widened and they exchanged excited glances. Then they each all took their turns to rove their eyes over me. 

Except for Liam. He took my hand. "Nice to meet you Melrose. We're going to enjoy having you on this tour with us!" His eyes were bright. And after he shook my hand he went back to the crossword puzzle he was working on.

The rest kept staring until I said something. "So, where's our first stop?" They didn't hear me the first time, so I clapped my hands and repeated the question.

Niall spoke up. "Oh, umm. London. 02. Good food." He smiled at that last comment he made.

"I've read about you. You like food! Luckily enough, I am a great cook!" I kissed my finger tips and said that last part in a French accent.

Niall laughed and nudged my arm. "I do love food! And you know since you said that we'll all be wanting you to cook now."

I smiled a warm smile. "Anything for you." I winked at him and he turned and blushed. 

While the boys were giving Niall a hard time for being shy, I turned to look at Harry.

He was looking at me. I mouthed "What?" to him, but he just shook his head and went back to his phone.


We only had 2 hours left in our flight. Everyone was asleep except for me and Harry. I had been reading while he just looked out the window even though it was dark.

"Are you upset with me or something?" His question took me aback, but it wasn't like he was exactly wrong.

"No." I was short and looked away.

I felt him lift up the arm rest that separated our seats. He turned and sat indian style. Facing me. 

"Yes. You are." He touched my arm which I withdrew.

"See! You wouldn't have yanked your hand away from me, if you hadn't been mad. Or something." He looked sort of hurt. 

I didn't want any problems on this tour at all. Honest. Just be honest, Melrose.

I turned around to face him, Indian style, the same way he had. 

"The night that you came to my Dads' concert. He sang your lyrics right before he sang our song. He also forgot to dedicate it to me, like he always does. I shouldn't be blaming you, but oh well. I seemed to have." I was looking down at my fingers.

"I'm sorry. I mean. It wasn't my fault, but I was there and yeah."

I looked up at him. I guess I need to get along with this kid. "No, it's not your fault. It's just that night was the anniversary of him being alone with me. No mom. And yeah. It was supposed to be special."

He looked confused. "No Mom?" 

"My mom left me and my Dad when I was 3 days old. He's raised me since then."

He took my hand and this time I didn't pull it away. "I couldn't imagine not having my Mom. And I'm sorry I ruined your special night." He was rubbing my hand. Turning it over.

I pulled it back and rubbed them together. I smiled quickly and clapped. "Let's start over. Hi, I'm Melrose Martin." I waved my hand and smiled at him.

He laughed and took my hand and shook it. "Why hello, Melrose. I'm Harry Styles."

I smiled and before I could turn back around he pulled me into a hug. "And I'm here for you whenever you need to talk...about your family and stuff." He pulled back and looked me straight in the eyes.

I smiled warmly at him and looked towards the seats in front of us. There were tv's mounted in them and right now my favorite movie was on, Singin' In The Rain. 


I woke up to the ding of the intercom on the plane. The flight attendant announced we would be landing in 30 minutes. 

I was resting on something, but I was too tired to figure out. I looked down and saw that a blanket had been thrown over me. Probably one of the stewardesses who did it.

I felt a body shift underneath me. I hoped it wasn't what it was.

I looked up and saw Harry staring down at me. He had his arms wrapped around me and was holding me into his body. We were sharing the blanket and the movie had finish.

I quickly got up and adjusted my hair. "The..uhh..the...plane is landing soon."

He smiled and sat up and looked out the window. 

Harry POV

I hadn't ever fallen asleep, but Melrose had. On me to be exact.

I felt bad for messing up her night with her father, but we had made amends.

I had only just met her and things seemed right having her here with me.

I felt her stirring and I tensed up. She would probably pull away. I looked down to her looking up at me.

She had got up and tossed her hair to the other side of her face. She was beautiful. And I hadn't called any girl beautiful before except for my mum. I hoped I get to know her well. I don't know. She seemed to take a liking to Niall. We'll see.

I looked out the window and there was my home. England. 

Let the crazy tour, begin.

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