Messing Around

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Melrose POV

I don't know if I can handle Josh and Niall in the same proximity of either other. Much less, the same bus. Niall had come over and was doing a Twitcam with Josh. They were being complete idiots and at one point they had turned the camera on me to say hello. 

"And this is Melrose! She's a bit of a bitch..." Niall laughed at his statement, but he was soon cut off by a pillow smacking him across the face, which I may or may not have thrown.

I emerged from my room about 2 hours later. The laughter had died down and all I heard was the murmur of the T.V. I peaked out my door to see Josh watching 'The Little Mermaid' all alone. Yes, a 20 year old watching 'The Little Mermaid' by himself, on a Saturday night. I loved this kid.

I knelt down on the floor and started crawling towards the front of the bus. It was at the point in the movie, where Ariel sings Part Of Your World. Yeah, Josh was singing along, to every single word. Reaching to my back pocket, I felt for my phone. There was no way I was letting this blackmail moment slip away. 

I got about 30 seconds of him belting out the melody when he heard me giggle. His face turned beat red and he glared at me. I scrambled to get away from him. I knew he'd delete that video once he got a hold of my phone. 

"No! Josh! This video is too precious! You sing so well! Aww! Joshykins!" I shouted while he tackled me for the phone. We were in the hallway between the bunks. He had straddled me and I was waving my arm every which way trying to keep him from getting a good grip on my phone. 

Josh hopped off of me to the sound of someone clearing their throat. I kept laughing. I got up and waved my hands around in victory. "Whoo! I still got it, honey buns!" I was too busy celebrating to look up to see who was in the hallway with us. Well, it was just me now. Josh returned to his beloved Disney movie in the living area.

"I didn't know I was intruppting anything." I watched Harrys' jaw clench as he spoke. His eyes hardened. Almost a look a jelousy. What is it with this kid? One minute I think he likes me and the other I think he just wants to be friends. Or is it just me?

I laughed as I walked back to my room. "You weren't. But you missed Josh singing up a storm. Hilarious." I tapped away on my phone. I emailed the video to myself just in case Josh decided to delete it somehow.

"Melrose, we need to talk." He walked towards me making me back into my bedroom door. 

"About what?" I looking him straight in the eyes. I was done playing this bullshit game with him. I think he knew that I felt a little something for him, but I guess he couldn't make up his mind. For what? After all, he was the one coming on to me at first!

"Our kiss." His eyes softened as he spoke those words. His hands lifted from his side and he rested them on my hips.

I shifted them off and started heading back to the front of the bus. "I know. We're friends. We just got caught in the moment. Ya know. Sappy movie, Titanic and all. Friends." I smiled at turned to walk the rest of the way. If he was going to play games, so was I.

I grabbed a blanket and hopped over to where Josh was sitting. I positioned my self in between his legs and we restarted the movie. I kind of wanted to see it.

Harry came from the back of the bus and just stared at us. Me and Josh were both singing along to the songs. Fun times.

"Oh, Harry! Would you like to join us?" Josh sing-songed to Harry, but he shot him a glare.

"No, I'll go back to my bus." He had slumped shoulders and he turned to look at me one last time before he left the bus.

"What was that about?" Josh turned towards me with a questioning look.

"I don't even know." I waved my hands in the air. And to be honest, I REALLY didn't even know.


I turned over in my bed to see Harry smiling at me. Boy was he cute in the mornings.

"Morning beautiful!" He pecked me on the nose and I sighed. 

"Mommy! Daddy! Wake up! It's times for me to eat!" A little girl with thick brown ringlets burst through our bedroom door. She struggled to get up on the bed, but she finally got it and she pounced on Harry. 

"Goodmorning Princess! Did you sleep well!?" He held the little girl in his arms as she nodded.

She left the room and Harry turned to me. He leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss. One that was just so fitful for a morning. 

I felt him grind up against me and I gasped. "Harry! No! Lucy is just outside the door!" I patted his cheek. "No NO!"

He laughed and got up. As he walked towards the door he turned to me and smiled. "I love you Melrose Styles. You and little Carson."

Little Carson?

I looked down and saw my belly. I wasn't full term, but you could tell I was pregnant.

You have got to be kidding me...

I woke up dripping in sweat. Did I really just dream about me and Harry being married and having kids...

I got up to get a glass of water. This was unusual. I rarely dreamed about people that are in my life. I always dream about fairytale stuff. 

Is this a sign? Oh come on Melrose. Your an idiot. 

It was dark in the bus. I looked at the wall clock and it was 2:30 a.m. Josh must have went to his bunk because the lights were out and I could see nothing. 

We were still parked at the venue until morning and then we would be back on the road. That explained why I kept hearing cars pass by every once in a while. 

My eyes adjusted to the light while I was pouring my water. I did a once over in the living room and I saw a figure on the couch. Ok, Melrose...don't panic. It could be Paul, Josh, the bus driver. They locked the doors at night right?

Oh dear Lord, please don't let me die. "Uhh, Josh?" The figure got up from the couch and didn't say anything. They slammed a piece of duct tape across my mouth and threw me over their shoulders. 

It was confirmed. I was going to die. Man, I was so young too. 

I felt myself being taken outside. Then I could have sworn I was taken into the other bus, but then again I was slung over a shoulder and my hair was in my face. 

The tape was ripped off of me and before I could scream a hand flew to my mouth. "Before you scream, just wanted to let you know that we're all locking you and Harry in here until you figure out what the heck is going on with you, because it's affecting both of your moods and we don't like it." Louis energetic voice fed through my ears.

I was going to kill him. 

He shoved me into the back room before I could protest. It was dark in the room and when I was searching for the light switch I found they removed it. Assholes.

"I was wondering what they were scheming." Harrys' voice soothed over me and I turned to where his voice came from.

"I'm over here." He chuckled and grabbed me hand and I sat down on the ground.

We were back to square one. This is the room when I figured I was falling for him and now were stuck here to apparently resolve some "issues" according to Louis.

I looked up to Harrys face, though it was dark, I could still see it in the dark. "So, lets talk." I turned towards him and set my hands in my lap.

He grabbed my neck and bashed his lips against mine. He leaned towards me causing me to fall to the floor and I didn't mind, actually. I knotted my fingers through his hair and he just kept kissing me. He picked me back up and as I sat up he pushed me up against the wall. We were still sitting, his hands went down my back and he rubbed little circles into my back. He lifted the hem of my shirt and started rubbing the skin on my hip. 

He pulled away from the kiss both of us were breathing heavily. Not saying a word.

"Let's talk." 

Viva La Vida (Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ