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Isla came to the conclusion that she somehow had to try to get her mother to buy her a new car. The thing took on average six tries to get started and the engine kept on making a rattling noise that scared (and embarrased) her.

"I really fucking hate this car," Isla moaned to Luke, almost in tears as she slammed her palms down on the steering wheel. "Why couldn't we just go in yours?"

"Because my mum took my keys off me for coming home wasted at 4am the other night. She was really pissed off at me," he argued. "Anyway, your nineteenth birthday is coming up soon, right? Just get your mum to buy you a new one."

"She wouldn't. Plus, she got me that apartment last year, remember? It wasn't cheap."

It wasn't as if Isla's mother wasn't wealthy. She was unemployed - she quit her job after the family inherited a large sum of money from a late family member. However, her mother was extremely tight on money. It was always, "we need to stick to basics if we want this money to last us a long time." Isla knew she was right, but she hated it.

"Save up for one yourself, then. It will take you a long time but you'll probably be able to get yourself a good car," Luke suggested.

She shrugged, knowing that she wasn't really the type of person that could save up. Luke pushed his own comment aside as he too knew that it was almost impossible for her to save her money.

"Can we get out of this car now? It's way too hot," Isla suggested, fanning her face with her hands and exaggerating her breathing.

"Yeah, why is it so hot in here?" Luke asked while taking off his seat belt.

"The air conditioning doesn't work."


Luke had gone home and Isla was now sitting in her living room watching a tv show that she didn't recognise. She found it difficult to get into it as she didn't know what it was about, but she watched it anyway as the main character was pretty hot.

She was yet again, however, interrupted by a knock at her door. It was a different knock to what Luke's would normally be like, but she thought that maybe he was either just messing with her or he was drunk.

"Luke, what the fuck do you want? I'm trying to watch something," she said frustratedly while stomping over to the door. "I swear to God, if you're drunk again then I will-"

She was cut off by the sight of a presence that was not Luke's. The man - who looked as if he was in his twenties - had light brown hair with eyes that almost matched. His dimples made him look somewhat cute, but the way that he wore a black leather jacket told Isla otherwise.

"I, um, hey. I found these in the parking lot and your keyring had your address on it," the man said, pointing down at the silver keyring as he held out the set of keys that Isla had come to despise. "You must have dropped them."

She sighed, taking the car keys from the man. "You would have been doing me a favour if you had just left them there. But thanks."

He giggled. "No problem, uh..?"


"Isla, right. I'm Ashton," he said with a big smile, holding his hand out for her to shake.

"Nice to meet you, Ashton," she smiled back, taking his large hand in her smaller one and shaking it.

"Nice to meet you too," he beamed. His smile could have brought the dead back to life - it was so full of happiness.

Ashton turned around and walked down the hallway to the elevator before disappearing into it.

She didn't know what it was, but this guy intrigued Isla in a way that no guy had ever intrigued her before.


I'm really sorry if this chapter is bad omg :-(

but please let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!!

thank you, love you :-)

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