Author's Note

353 16 15

     You know, I never would have thought that I could get more than 100 reads on my story. And yes, that's only like 25 people reading each chapter, but still. I never expected more than 5 honestly. 

     So the reason that I'm writing this author's note instead of working on the next chapter is because I really want to know if I should continue. I've gotten all these reads, but one vote for each chapter. (Thanks, nuurulnull!) 

     If you think I should stop writing, then I will and focus on my other story Hanging with Sorrow. If you think I should continue, please tell me what I need to improve at! Any suggestions are helpful suggestions, and every comment makes me so happy and inspires me to write!

     You guys probably want me to shut up now. 

... And now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.

MissingWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt