Chapter Two

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6:30 am. That was when Rachel woke up.

She looked around, wondering ahere she was. Then, she remembered. She went into a mini panic. She attempted to stand, but was stopped as she noticed Finn holding on to her tightly.

Rachel cracked a smile. She exhaled, "I can't do this." She began muttering.

"Rach?" A tired Finn asked. He leaned up, and Rachel regretted looking up at him. She immediatly turned red.

Finn rose a brow, "What?"

"Your.. Your neck." Rachel pointed out.

Finn stood, going over to the bathroom and looking in the mirror. He smirked, "Well, you just couldn't get enough of me."

Rachel covered her face, "Finn!"

"Sorry, sorry."

Rachel stood. She went to go pick up her dress. When she leaned back up, she was greeted by a messy-haired Finn, who had several hickeys on his neck.

Rachel exhaled, "Do I have some, too?"

Finn nodded, causing Rachel to nearly panic. He stopped her, kissing her quickly.

"I.. I- New York. My flight, it takes off at 8. What time is it?"

"Rach, your flight takes off tomorrow."

"Right. I knew that."

Finn thought for a bit, "You have a change of clothes, right?"

"In my hotel room, yeah."

"Good. Put the dress on, go to get a chabge if clothes, then meet me back here." Finn told.

Rachel nodded, going to the bathroom.

Finn smiled, "You can just put the dress on out here.."

"Well I don't need you to see me struggle." Rachel joked, closing the bathroom door and changing.

- - -

Rachel knocked on Finn's hotel door, waiting. She was dressed in a somewhat tight, dark blue shirt, and a plaid skirt.

Finn answered the door. He had a white t-shirt, mostly covered by a button up black shirt. He wore plain jeans, because his sense of style wasn't the most creative.

Rachel smiled at the sight of him, "You didn't bither covering up your neck?"

Finn shrugged, "It's too hot for a scarf."

"I can use my makeup to cover it up..?" Rachel offered, earning a nod from Finn.

Rachel walked inside, Finn shutting the door. She set her bag on the edge of the bed, then gestured for Finn to sit down.

Finn did so, and Rachel sat on his lap. She got out a few make-up things that were his skin tone, and started applying a little to his neck. Soon, the marks were covered, and she made sure to keep the color well blended.

Rachel was about to stand, but was stopped by Finn holding onto her waist.

Rachel huffed, "Finnn."

Finn smiled, "Rachelllll." He mocked.

Rachel rolled her eyes, kissing his nose. "Let me gooo."

Finn grinned, standing while holding Rachel up by her thighs.

Rachel squeaked, "Finn!"

Finn smiled, kissing her lips. Rachel kissed back, unable to hide her smile.

The two pulled away, both smiling.

Rachel hesitated, "Put me down, now?"

Finn laughed. He set her down, smiling. He thought for a bit, "So, uh, I wanted to take you out for food. Maybe just to Breadstix. And before you say anything, Brody doesn't have to know."

Rachel smiled. She stood on her tip-toes, kissing his lips quickly. "I'll go."

Finn exhaled, the slight stress and excitement dying down. "Really?"

Rachel nodded, and Finn smiled. "Great, let's go!" He practically rushed her.

And that all happened, the day before Rachel left back to New York.


So I updated again because I have no life what so ever.

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