The Griffon's New Clothes

Start from the beginning

With a big smile on his face he returns to the dorm and revisits his friend's door but something stops him from knocking on it the moment he reached it.
Is that... Is he still vacuuming or what? I didn't took him for being a cleaning maniac and I'm pretty sure he isn't one. He is way too calm when coming in contact with dirt or dust but maybe he spilled something or dropped something. Maybe I should come back later... Naaaaaaah!
He knocks on the door but, just like last time, no one answers him and the other two attempts are also fruitless.
Come on! I basically hammered against the door. It is actually surprising that this thing is still one piece and not already smashed to pieces.
After trying it one more time he challenges his luck and checks the door handle. Much to his surprise it works and the door begins to retreat and offers the griffon a crack to look inside the room.
Why is it so dark in there? And... is that Sandbar at his desk? It doesn't look like he's cleaning anything at all but something must be going on. The noise got louder too. But... should I really just enter? It would be rude but I promised Miss Rarity to deliver the package so it should be okay.
After making up his mind the blue male opens the door wide enough to pass it and then closes it behind him, which also seals up one of the main light sources the room had offered. A few beams of sunshine enter the room through the, by curtains partially covered, window and a brighter light is coming from Sandbar himself. Or more likely something in front of him. The griffon slowly comes closer to his friend, who has not noticed him yet and who is still facing away from him.
"Sandy? I came by to give you something from Miss Rarity", he tries his best to get his friend to react but without any success.
"Do you want me to put it here? On the floor? On your bed?"
And again an answer is nowhere to be heard or seen. No words, no sounds and no sign or gesture. Instead the noise, that seems to get louder and louder, fills his ears and tortures his eardrums without any sign of mercy. Gallus, who can't take it anymore, places the package on the pony's bed and, from that position, takes a quick glance at the desk.
Is that... a sewing machine and a lamp?
His beak drops open as he eyeballs the machine in front of Sandbar's face as if he expects it to suddenly disappear like a mirage but no matter for how long he stares at it, the machine stays.
What is he doing with that machine? Wait? Is that what has been causing this deafening sound all this time so Sandy couldn't hear me or Smolder?
Without thinking about it the griffon-boy comes closer until he stands right next to Sandbar, who is still sitting on his chair fully concentrated on the piece of electronic in front of him.
Looks like he is sewing something... Wow, really? That was obvious from the start! Why did I even ask myself that? WHAT is he sewing is the real question!
Interested in the pony's activity he tries to figure out what he is currently working on but the piece of fabric is not very helpful. Instead of focusing on that, he tries to understand the drawings and sketches he notices on little papers all over the table. He notices a figure that could resemble Yona and one that could be either Ocellus or Silverstream but one drawing really stands out to him.
Is that me?, the blue male asks as he stares at a little piece of paper that got taped to the wall with sticky tape.
It shows a pretty good drawing of a winged creature with a beak and a tail and a few numbers next to it.
"What's that?", Gallus mumbles very quietly but, because he is very close to the pony's ear, his voice is still audible and unmistakably his voice.
This sudden input finally cracks Sandbar's concentration and he stops his work while giving a little screech as he turns his head and notice his griffon-friend next to him.

G-G-Gallus! What is he doing here! How did he even get in here! What is going on!
His brain is snowed under with work! All those thoughts and feelings and question fill it up rather quickly and he has no time to decode and make useful information out of them again so he just begins to talk nonsense.
"Gallus! What are you got in here? How did you doing here?"
He notices that his friend is still staring at something and he knows exactly what it is so in one quick movement he rips the sketch from the wall and hides under his hoof, which he puts directly on it.
"What was that?", Gallus asks but Sandbar immediately tries to skip the question to get to a new topic.
"A nice day we're having! We should go out and do something, right? Come!"
With a big and obvious fake smile Sandbar jumps to his hooves and makes his way to the door. That's the moment he also finally realizes how his friend even got into the room in the first place.
Oh... I must have forgotten to lock the door after coming back from the restroom a few hours ago. I was way to concentrated on my project and didn't notice it...
He stops for a moment but, after hesitating for a second, he continues his way out of the room but Gallus does not follow him.
Instead of that he is more interested in that piece of paper he mentioned before. He quickly grabs it and takes a closer look. It is little bit more crumbled-up than before but, just as he expected, there is no doubt that it shows the drawing of a griffon.
"Not in the mood. Why don't you tell me about this and this and that.", he suggests as he points at the little sketch, the dark-gray fabric, which is still stuck in the sewing machine, and the machine itself.
I'd rather... not, Sandbar admits to himself as he slowly comes back to his former place, his smile slowly disappearing from his face as he gets closer to his guilty pleasure.
"Well...", he tries to explain, "It's a sewing machine and that's some cashmere."
Nice save me!
But that is not what his griffon-friend meant and he makes it more clear by rephrasing it.
"Okay, okay. Very funny Sandy but seriously. What is all this stuff? Why do you have it? And why is there a picture of a griffon, either a Changeling or a hippogriff and a yak?"
Not a nice save me... And what now? Tell him the truth? I love sewing and making clothes. It's so much fun! Yeah, right...
His brain is not really helping him. Instead of that it is making it even worse!
I guess I have no choice but still... I'm sure he'll think it's stupid...
"I... like to make clothes...", the stallion whispers but his buddy is not sure what he just said.
I mumble mumble mumble? What does that mean?, he asks himself before requesting a repetition.
"Fine, fine... I like to make clothes. I know it's lame but I think what Miss Rarity taught can be really relaxing and-", but he can't finish his sentence before the sudden raise of the griffons voice startles him.
He takes a closer look at the fabric and notices a few pretty neat, darker embroideries on the fabric that resemble feathers and clouds.
"Is THAT what Miss Rarity is teaching us? I thought she only wanted to bore us to death and annoy us with some lame techniques to make boring fabric less boring but that is awesome! Did you do that all by yourself?"
His fascination is practically written on his face in form of his wide eyes, his open beak and the way he investigates the dark piece of cashmere.
"Erm... Yes, I did. It's was pretty difficult at first but I'm almost done with this one actually. Once you get the hang of it, it's actually pretty easy."
No way! That looks like something a professional Dude... what are they called? Fashion makers? Clotherers or something like that? Doesn't matter. It looks so good!
The griffon's mind is being flooded by excitement, astonishment, a little bit of jealousy but mostly by his own interest and a burning ambition to try it too.
"How did you do that? Did you just start and then it went without any problems?"
"What!", Sandbar asks with a little laughter in his voice, making it jump a bit, as he takes a closer look at his own work, "No, no, no. I trained on a few scraps of fabric Miss Rarity gave to me when I asked her about something to practice with. After that I began to get better and then I finally tried to do my first piece of clothing. I think it should be somewhere in my closet. Do you want to see it?"
As if Sandbar's fear and worries were just blown away by his friends unexpected interest and excitement, he is more confident in his own passion and his own ability.
"Sure!", Gallus answers with a cheer before Sandbar opens his closet and takes out a little box with different kind of fabrics in it.
"What are those?", the griffon asks and Sandbar explains to him that these are his first few attempts and that they were meant to be socks but some of them turned out like something entirely different like a glove, a little ball or just a huge disaster but it still helped him a lot.
"As you can see... I wasn't that good when I started but I tried it again and again and watched movies or read books about it and now I'm making", the pony explains the way he took from the start of his little to now and points at the unfinished business he was working on, "that."
"What is that suppose to be when it's finished?"
He really seems to be interested! Never thought I would have to say it but I guess Gallus is a fasion-griffon. Unexpected but very welcome!"
"Oh", Sandbar lets out a small sound before staying silent until Gallus presses the topic more and more.
"Come on! Tell me about it! Come on Sandy!"
And his stubbornness bears fruit because his pony-friend finally surrenders and admits what he was doing with a burning-red face.
"Well... I thought about starting a little line for our friends. You know... Yona, Ocellus, Silverstream, Smolder... you... And this is my first project. It will be a suit jacket for... you."
For me?
Gallus turns his attention away from Sandbar to look at the in-progress jacket, which he really likes.
"So that's what this drawing of me was for. So you could use it as a reference...", Gallus mumbles but his mind is not wasting his time with the drawing.
It has something else in store.
He made that for me? I never thought about that one can make something with that for someone else... Maybe I could...
He is lost in his thoughts and the idea he is creating. So lost that he doesn't notice Sandbar, who is still rummaging in his little box while speaking to himself.
"I totally forgot about that one... Or that... What was that even?"
The room is silent besides the stallion's mumbling until a loud voice interrupts the silence.
"Can you show me how it works?", the griffon-boy suddenly asks, causing his friend to drop one of the results of his former attempts.

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