Chapter Fourteen

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My eyes narrowed into slits at the man sitting in front of me, setting my drink down on the main common room table with slightly unnecessary force. I watched as across the table Bucky mimicked my movements exactly, setting his drink down as well, directly across from mine. Our eyes were still locked in a silent battle as I reached for the bowl in the middle of the table, grabbing a pretzel out of it and putting the cardboard snack into my mouth. I smirked as he did the same, watching his lips twitch slightly. I reached into the next bowl, his metal arm following mine's movements perectly. I grabbed out a raisin, popping it into my mouth as he followed suit and both our faces scrunched.

I was the first to speak as I pointed a finger at him, "Hah! You don't even like raisins!"

"Neither do you!" He spat.

I shrank back into my seat, narrowing my eyes in defeat. He was right, I hated raisins. I grunted, spitting the foul wrinkled grape from my mouth. My eyes widened as I watch it hit Tony square in the forehead, bouncing back onto the table. He put his newspaper down in a swift motion, looking between the ex winter soldier and I.

"Who the hell did that?" His tone laced with annoyance.

Simultaneously, Bucky and I pointed at one another with a glare.

Tony sighed and rubbed his face before checking his watch and standing to leave. "Children, I swear. Alright, c'mon Frosty. Avengers meeting is about to start sixth floor down."

Once Tony was gone, I shot Bucky a triumphant grin, kicking my feet on table.

"Get your feet back on the floor, Krypto!" Tony yelled from the hallway he had walked down.

My grin fell and so did my legs. "How the hell does he know this stuff."

Bucky didn't bother replying, instead he stood up for his meeting he had to get to. I, on the other hand, was not an Avenger so I was not required to attend. I shooed Bucky away with my hand.

"Have fun, if that's even possible at one of those." I said, looking out the windows of the tower.

"You're coming with, doll. Remember that promise I made you?" His stupid tone held all the confidence in the world.

It has been three days since that fight, er, talk I guess, in his bedroom. The one where he declared I was his, which we still hadn't talked about whatever it meant. I had been too tired to continue the conversation with him, falling asleep with his arm locking me to his chest once he laid down next to me. Only doing so when I gave him a nod in conformation as a response to that statement. He had been true to his word though, he had not left my side for the past three days. Not for a moment.

Ironic, how I was so upset at him avoiding me and now here I was wishing he would do a little bit of just that. I felt a tad suffocated, not that it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. Lack of freedom had been the song of my people nearly my whole life, I just wanted to spite the man who knew how much control he had over me. Which is what I was doing now by acting like I had no idea he was about to make me go with him to a boring ass meeting.

"I'm not going." I crossed my arms, still not looking at him.

He heaved a heavy sigh, metal hand running down his face, "Yes. You are."

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Darlin', stop being difficult and come here, we're going to that stupid meeting." He nearly growled, stepping in front of me so my eyes had to be on him.

I looked the other way, challenge leaking into my tone. "Make me."

Bucky's chuckle sounded in my ears. "I thought you'd never ask."

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