Two Bodies, One Heart

Start from the beginning

Everything in her whole life, everything she had built and every practice that she had done to be better, had led to this. For everything that she had done was to prepare herself to be the one thing that she had always wanted to be, to rid of the largest burden that had weighted her down the longest. She had pulled inside herself every time a chance was offered to her, close the walls to her heart and putting on her guard; but had she not practiced for this every single day of her life? Then why was it so hard for her to bring herself to do it?

She knew why.

Her Father had told her that she could not show it, of that she was not as cold as she had seemed, because there were things that people still could not know, at least not now. Even to open herself to Hans had been so hard, and if he hadn't been so pursuing then she feared that she would still be hiding herself away from him; thus why she was not going to tell anyone else yet, not when she was not ready for it.

"I'm sorry I'm late." The Princess had prompted her to look up then, to where she was standing at the doorway, perhaps unsure if she was even supposed to enter. "Did you ask for me, Elsa?" Only when she had nodded and motioned her to come in did Anna stepped inside, shutting the door behind her before she had lowered herself at the other end of the lounge. "Is everything alright? Because I swear I didn't steal the chocolate from the top drawer in the kitchen, I was not even anywhere near-"

"It's not that, Anna." She could not help the amused chuckle that had escaped her lips then, for her younger sister truly had thought that eating the one dessert they both had loved dearly would have gotten her into trouble until she had to face the Queen for it. "I found this, in the passageways," taking the book that she had brought with her, a little dusty with time; she had shown it to the Princess. "Do you remember it?"

Anna's fingers were cautious as she reached forward, for fear of damaging the leather-bound book or touching her sister's hand, she could not tell, but once she did, it had only taken the younger a short while before nodding. "It's Mother's book, one of them anyway, she used to read this when we were..." her voice had trailed off before she had finished her thought, and yet still Elsa was able to know what she had meant.

"It was your favorite, if I had remembered correctly." The strawberry blonde haired Princess would have always picked that one particular story for their Mother to read, huddled together by the large triangular window, no matter how often it was read to them Anna had always been so excited to hear it coming from the late Queen's lips, and often she had fallen soundly asleep by the end of it.

"It's a tale with a house made entirely out of candy, who doesn't want that?" The younger sister had laughed then, and there was no way that the older could avoid not joining her, for they had always been such sweet-tooth since they were young. "I mean of course there's the witch part that obviously no one wants, but you have always promised me that you would protect me from things like that, I couldn't remember how but I do remember you had sounded so confident about it so I was never been afraid of finding a candy house in the middle of the woods."

Don't worry, Anna, if there is a witch that wants to eat you, I would freeze her butt. That had been her promise then, one that no matter how hard she tried, Anna would never remember for even the slightest memory of her magic had been wiped away for her own safety. "I would still protect you, no matter what." She still tried to fulfill that promise, even when she was trying to protect the Princess from herself.

Turquoise eyes had looked up then, wide and blinking in surprise as she stared at the Queen sitting across from her, the fingers that had been skimming through the yellowed pages of the book came into a sudden stop. "You love me. You really, really, love me."

"Of course I do, Anna, I'm your sister." From the moment she had been told that she was to be an older sister, she had promised herself that she would be the sister that Anna deserved, and when she had not been the one that she knew Anna wanted, she had tried with all her heart to be the one that she needed. "It's why I had called for you here, I... wanted to apologize." For everything that she had done, every pain that she had caused her, every broken heart and every door that she had slammed closed in her face.

"Why?" The strawberry blonde haired Princess had shut the book in her lap then, placing it onto the cushion of the lounge while her eyes remained fixed on her older sister. "Elsa, you didn't do anything wrong, if any it should be me who apologized, for acting like a child, to not respect your personal boundaries, you don't like to be touched and I should have known that from the very beginning, I... I can understand that you may have found me so impulsive and that you can't stand that. It just that... I missed you, Elsa, I missed my sister."

It had not been what she had in mind when she mulled over the possibilities of what Anna would have said about her apology, for her to say such things had taken the words out of her mouth and made her mind went into a blank for a moment that she had to sit in silence as her mind processed it over and over. Because she had thought that Anna would have been somewhat upset, perhaps even agreeing by pointing out more bitter truths about her; yet her words had been so sincere that it had pained her as the younger had expressed the same feeling that she had in her heart.

"I missed you too, Anna."

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