Chapter Seven -First Shift-

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Colton laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. He thought of the red headed girl with her piercing blue eyes. When they were young, kids would bully her and he would always be her knight in shining armor. Can he still be her knight? Colton did not take what Sage say seriously. Deciding for three years, isn't that too long? And no contact? Neither of them would last that long. Maybe she meant three weeks?

His heart was beating fast again. He can feel the mating bond grow stronger. Could it be? Is Sage shifting? It's time to put his plan in action, again.


"Sean!" Sean quickly hit the break, looking at Sage with concern. She was hugging her stomach.

"Goddess, it hurts!"

She's shifting! Sean thought. He quickly parked his car to the side of the road. Carrying Sage, he hastily dashed to the woods. He put Sage down, who was curled into a ball.

Sean combed her hair with his finger, "Remember to breath. It will be gone in a short time." Sean stepped back, giving her space. He does not know how big her wolf would be.

Slowly, she started transforming,  starting from her feet and arms. Furs are coming out of her body. The sounds of her bone tell Sean that her body form is changing. Soon her ears and mouth are growing. A tail coming out from her behind. In a short time, Sean was faced with a panting wolf. She looked exactly like him. The red furs on her back and white furs on her tummy are exactly the same as his.However, her blue eyes will never go unnoticed. They look keen enough to pierced through your soul.

Sean walked closer, petting her, "Are you okay?"

A bark was given as an answer. Sean chuckled, removing his t-shirt, "Imagine yourself as a human. Tell your wolf to shift back, be dominant

Sean turned around and he heard the buckling of bones.

"Ah! That did hurt! I can't barely walk," Sage exclaimed.

"I'll carry you. Our house is near. I'll just get someone to pick up the car." Sean shifted to a clone of Sage's wolf.

"If you want to know how your wolf looks like, feel free to look at me," he said through mind-linked, earning a chuckle from Sage, "Now, ride along and hold on tight!"

Once they reached home, Sage collapsed to her soft bed. She knows she needs to pack, but she'll worry about that tomorrow. Her shifting tired her out.


Sean lay on his bed, staring on the ceiling. Sage will be gone by tomorrow. As much as he wants to spend time with her and bond with her, he can't. It's dangerous to be around the pack, especially when the pack is growing weak. He needed to make the pack stronger for the sake of everyone. Train more pups and perhaps, recruit more wolves. Making improvements to the pack will take time, so he sends Sage to boarding school where she would be protected. And perhaps meet her mate.

Sean closed his eyes. No matter how advanced he is in his work, the pack never step up. Maybe it's the lack of members. Yes, with only approximately 250 wolves in town, they could be easily wipe out.

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