the twin

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Bree p.o.v
Today Edward,Bella,and nesse said they had a something to show us so when Izzy and blake  is up,we well know what it is.

Layla p.o.v
After they adopt me I waited with grandma and grandpa while they went to do something but they said they have something for all of us

Tania p.o.v
Me,gray,daddy and mommy are at aunt Emily's and uncle Sam's house were I see DUSTIN! "hey guys"we say when we came in and I hug Dustin and  everyone said hi "hey baby girl"he said when we let go. "Where have you guys been" Collin ask while hugging grace "that's what we are going to talk about right now" Sam said "well Sam their is another human his name is Keaton Ethan Jackson but Cullen added to his name and swan" Jake said "so what does it have to do with grace,Finn,Charlie,and Dustin" Jared asked "because kian, Keaton,Bree,keesha,blake,layla,
hope, and lily are mine,Finn, Charlie,and grace older siblings"I said "oh"he said "oh we got to go" Jake said "where" I ask "Cullen's baby girl" Dustin said "can I go"I ask "me too"gray said "no" daddy said " why" I ask "fine" mommy said "but if something happens to them,you well be hurt" "got it"they said "I'm going" Collin said "so am I"Sophie said
"ok"Jake said "let's go" then we left

Keaton p.o.v
I woke up in my new room waiting for my new parents they said they had good news. So now I'm waiting for nes so I can meet everyone I just hope that all my siblings are ok I know when grace and Dustin see the others they all well remember me. "Ethan its time to go" nes Said "ok" I say and we left "so nes you and Jacob" I ask"yeah he's my boyfriend"she said blushing"I knew that"I say "well we're here mom and dad should be here" she said "hey everyone,where is the rest at" nes ask "in the kitchen eating" dad said that is something I have to get use to."nesse you can go eat but Keaton before you go I want you to meet some people" mom said "ok" I said "this is Carlisle and Esme your grandparents" dad said "and this is your aunts alice and Rosalie and your uncles Emmett and Jasper" mom said "you will meet my dad soon""well its nice to meet you all and thank you for letting me be apart of this family"I say
"Your welcome, come on let's go get you some food"Esme said "ok" I said

Grace p.o.v
When we got in the back door Esme came in with someone. I couldn't see he's face "oh my god KEATON!"lily said he turned around and it is him I ran and hug him I could hear growling from Collin,sally,gray,and Tania. "I miss you all" he said "I'm so sorry I left""it was to keep us safe we under stand" lily said "this is my mate Collin,that is Tania Dustin's mate,that's Sophie Finn's mate and gray Charlie's mate"I say "And Tania, Sally,gray,and Collin that's our older brothers Keaton,blake,and kian, our older sisters Bree,layla,keesha,hope, and lily" "oh,hi"they said everyone else just laugh.
Then we went to the park  after we ate "come play with me lily!, Dustin!" Tania said

Jake p.o.v
"Guys its time to go"I said "but we don't want to go"grace said "well maybe we can come tomorrow"Collin said "ok"she said and we left back to the Cullen house "bye"everyone said before we left

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