Wake up

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A/N: The beginning of this chapter takes place in a dream, or rather a land untouched by physical forms. I thought I would clear that up to prevent any confusion...

BUT! I am so happy that you guys are enjoying this story! I have enjoyed writing it, and can not wait to continue posting chapters. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below?

The feeling that somebody was watching me, wasn't because eyes were trained on me so carefully I could feel the intense stare. No, if I dove deeper past that initial feeling, I could feel the tingly electricity curving up my spine and licking at the back of my skull. It wasn't unpleasant, just a warmth that was slightly uncomfortable.

My movements were slow, sluggish as I turned around and like that day I met him, I seen Harry ducking behind the sign. Was what happened just a dream? A well put together hallucination that had my deepest fears being diminished when faced with immortality and demons. Was it really my subconscious trying to ease the worry I had? Trying to help the steady click of my time clock slow down?

"You shouldn't be here," a voice said, and this time I instantly recognized it as Harry's. Soothing now, though. No sarcasm, pain or hatred in the words. "Louis, wake up. You shouldn't be doing this!" Then again, he was much more persistent now. His voice vibrated the cottony white walls that surrounded my vision, had chills racing through my body.

But unlike before, I was left alone in the street. I could smell everything like I could that day. The richness of coffee, the tempting aroma of freshly baked bagels, the sweetness of tea and the underlying, disgusting scent of body odor. Even with all those scenes clogging my nose, I was left standing alone in the middle of the street with Harry's voice ringing in my ears as he spoke, yet again.

"Louis! Wake up. It's a trap. WAKE UP." He shouted the last word, the frantic tone in his voice finally having my body react. My heart lurched forward and I seemed to move in slow motion as I whipped around and was suddenly falling through a wall. Much like Harry's, but black.

I scream, the same desperation I'd heard Harry speak with now swamping my body. "Harry!" I called out, the whistling of the wind carrying my words away. "Harry! Help!"

I fell into water, thick, slimy water that had mushy stuff that instantly wrapped around my feet and felt like tentacles. I couldn't fight their grasps, couldn't keep my head above the water as I fought its strong current. The sky was dark, black and the only light I could see had to be miles away. It was faint, blue, but even then I could see how brightly it must be burning.

The water slithered into my lungs and expanded my chest, threatening to make it burst open. "Hello, Louis," someone spoke, voice gravelly and distant. It was cold, harsh and not at all friendly. "You can't begin to understand how happy I am to see you here."

The water began to pull me under, this time more persistent and I could no longer fight the invisible force trying to push me into the depths. I got one last gasp of air in my lungs before I was shoved into the water that was thickening as the seconds ticked by, to the point I couldn't move my arms or float to the surface even if I tried. "Harry!" I used the last of my air to scream, entire body aching as the water began to crush me.

Everything began to grow blacker, darker than before, and just when I thought I was done for good, the entire sky was filled with blue. It was blinding, warm, powerful and it pulled me out of the water. I didn't get to see the face of my savior, his face lightened by the same blue light. But he grabbed my shoulders, shook me while something slithered around my neck, and scream in a voice that scared me to my very core, "WAKE UP."

I listened to his command, and woke up gasping in my bed, jerking upright with my entire body dripping with water, black and skin slimy. My feet were covered with that mushy stuff I had felt, grey and nasty, and around my ankles were marks, tiny holes piercing the skin and almost looking like hundreds of tiny teeth marks. What just happened?

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