Chapter 10: Help...

Start from the beginning

"Alright you can stay with me for the next three days. Is that long enough for you." She says I nod as she places an arm around me. We walk towards her house, it was about 7:00 pm already. She set up a makeshift bed for me on her couch. I thanked her before laying down, falling into a nightmare as I soon fell asleep.

-----three days later----

It was already time for me to go back to my cell. For the past three day I had been wrapped in a blanket either under Momo's desk or on her couch. I hadn't felt anything while being here... Maybe like a broken glass that was shattered but not picked up. It was like when my family died, there was nothing left to go to. All my friends probably  hated me fro either getting in the way of hurting their friend. I didn't know what to do, my hair was in one messy bun on the top of my head. I had already changed into my regular clothes after the first day, although I was still wrapped in bandages. I hadn't eaten a lot either, only small things like a piece of bread with cheese or and orange slice.

At the moment I was curled up in a ball laying under Momo's desk, nobody had noticed me yet which was good. We were waiting for Samon to come and pick me up to bring me back to building 13. Apparently, Hajime had been suspended for 3 days for beating the shit out of Jyugo and Uno.... He was still in the infirmary... he hadn't woken up yet. I haven't really talked at all since the incident, yea lets call it that. A sudden knock on the door brought me out of my thoughts. I looked up at Momo as looked down at me and signaled for the person to come in. Looking through a crack in the desk I saw Samon walk in stiffly, standing in front of the wardens table politely.

"Ma'am, I am here to pick up Number 1322 and bring her back to building 13." He states.

"I know why your here. Now come out Akira its time to go back." Momo says looking down at me. I frown slightly but nod, quickly folding the blanket I was wrapped in and placed it beside her chair.

"U-ummm, Ma'am i-if I may ask, w-who are you talking to?" Samon says questioningly looking around the room.

"Me." I say in monotone, standing up from under the table. He jumped slightly surprised I was right there. I walk over to him and wait till he starts walking out of the room. Glancing back to Momo I see her with a small smile on her delicate lips as she waves at me. Frowning deeper I walk away following Samon out of the room.

"We will be heading over to building 5 first to pick up building 13's inmates from their training." He says coldly, looking down at me from my place beside him. Nodding I stare forward not moving my gaze anywhere else.

After what felt like an hour we made it to building 5's training grounds. I slowed down and stepped behind Samon hiding me from everyone. I looked at Samons feet and stopped when they stopped making sure I don't run into him.

"Oi! NO. 25, NO.69 GET OVR HERE ITS TIME TO LEAVE." Samon shouted at Nico and Rock signaling for them to stop and come over to us. I looked up at Samons back hearing multiple pairs of feet running towards us. '1,2...3?4?5?' I counted in my head. About five people where running towards us. ' That must mean Qi, Upa, and Liang must be coming over here too.....' I thought blankly, staring at Samon's back. 

"AKIRA-CHAAAAAAANNN!!!" Nico yelled engulfing me in a large hug, knocking me off my feet and sending us into the ground. I didn't look at Nico.... I didn't know how to interact with him honestly. I was picked up from the ground and crushed in another hug. My head hung in shame as I didn't dare look at anybody.

"We missed ya Akira! Where'd you go. We were really worried ya know." Rocks deep voice rumbled through me as I was encased in his arms. He put me down and grinned at me.

"You guys shouldn't jump on her! She's obviously injured! You don't want to open any up." Liang exclaimed pointing to my bandages. I looked to Samon, no emotion in them as I looked and he looked back, a small frown on his face.

"What's wrong Aki-chan?" Nico popped up in front of me. I visibly flinched looking at his face, I turned around and started walking back towards the entrance of building 5, shaking my head slightly. 'Why are they talking to me so casually. I'm the reason their bestfriend is in the infirmary in a coma.' I thought to myself, balling my hands into fists tightly. Blood dripped from my hands as my nails dug deep into my skin. 'I wish I could feel pain..... then I would be like normal people, then I could feel what other people feel. Then...... then I could feel what Uno is going through.'

"AAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHH!!!" I scream punching a wall with full strength making it break instantly and crumble into small chunks. Samon caught up with me and we began to walk back to building 13.


I watched no. 22 walk away from the group of inmates, blood dripping from her hands as she screamed and punched a wall. I looked back to the group of inmates, sad expressions on their faces.

"She's having a time with the whole Uno situation. she thinks its her fault and that you guys shouldn't be talking to her because of it." I say, walking over to the group. They turned to me with slightly confused faces.

"How do you know that?" Rock questions crossing his arms, his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion.

"The warden told me. She told me to be gentle with her because she's being extremely hard on herself. Going as far as to basically starve herself." Their faces morphed into ones of worry as I continued talking.

I walked away from the group before they could respond, quickly catching up with no. 22 I saw that no. 25 and 69 caught up too.

Akiras P.O.V:

We made it back to the cell by dinner time, Samon told us he would be back in 10 minutes to take us to the cafeteria.

"Aki-chan..... Can you come with us to dinner. We really missed you while your gone. A-and its not your fault for what happened to Uno.... It was his decision to jump in front of you.: Nico says warily as he approaches me slowly. I shake my head, griping my arm I turn away from him.

"No...... No this is my fault... Anyone I get close to gets killed or hurt.... It's always my fault you don't understand." I say quietly tears forming in the corners of my eyes.

"It's not your fault Akira. They just care so much for you that they would risk their lives to save yours." Rock says pulling my slightly shaking figure into a warm hug. Nico snuck up from behind and joined the hug.

"Its okay Aki-chan were here for you. Let it out, you don't have to hold it in anymore." Nico hummed into my ear soothingly. I silently crying, my shoulders shook giving me away.

"I don't deserve this. You both are too nice to me. I don't understand." I mutter bringing my hands up to my face.

'How could they forgive me about something so bad' I think to myself as we sat there hugging each other crying.


Finished! Sorry this chapter took so long to come out!! I moved so I didn't have any wifi soooo I couldn't type! But here it is! Hope you enjoyed. You all are being so supportive and its amazing! Also the book already has like 700 views! I'm so Happy about it!!! So thank you again! Now onto the next chapter!!

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