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"Nice place you got here," Natasha remarks as she studies the small shack that Bucky had come to call a temporary home. The former soldier looks up in surprise, setting his bags back down on his bed.

"It's not much, but it kept me in peace for a short time," Bucky replies, his blue eyes traveling shortly around the tiny home, before returning back to his things. Instead of his usual Wakandan attire, he's dressed in a green army style jacket and blue v-neck, a black cap in hand.

Natasha nods, her green eyes remaining trained on Bucky as he continues to pack. Under her gaze, the former assassin shifts uncomfortably, before meeting it.

"You're keeping something from us, Barnes," Natasha beats him to speaking. "I know what you told Rogers the other day- Sam and I weren't that far away from earshot. But there is something else you're keeping from us," Bucky swallows down the frustration building up in his chest and stuffs a few shirts into his backpack, atop a bag of knives.

"If I knew something, don't you think I would tell Steve?" He shoots back, giving her a pointed look. The hero raises a brow, frowning.

"I don't think so. Because whatever this is, it's scaring you. And if something has the ability to scare the Winter Soldier, then it's a bigger threat than you first anticipated," Natasha shares her findings, taking a step closer. "You know something about this weapon, and you choose not to share your knowledge with the rest of us because- even after everything we went through- you still don't fully trust us."

"You don't know anything about me," Bucky snaps angrily, glaring at the red head. Natasha's lips only turn up slightly in a knowing way.

"Do you even know yourself, Bucky Barnes?" Natasha questions, giving him a curious look. "I don't trust you- I'm sorry, but I can't. If whatever this is has any chance of putting us in greater danger than we already are-" Natasha takes a threatening step towards Bucky, her eyes turning to slits. "-I will not hesitate to take you down."

Bucky's jaw clenches as Natasha swiftly turns around and exits the shack, her heels clicking against the path.

When he no longer can hear her, the super soldier collapses onto the bed, his head falling into his hands.

Of course he knows more than he's letting on. And he was stupid to think he could hide it from the team. Sam? Of course. Steve? Maybe. But Natasha? The assassin sees right through the walls that he's built up.

After a minute of thinking, Bucky hoists himself up and zips the bag up, slinging it over his shoulder and following down the same path that Natasha had taken to the Wakandan palace.


"Are you sure you can't come? We could really some cat-kicking-ass action," Sam shoots out the question, once again, to the Wakandan king. T'Challa gives him a small smile, sighing.

"I would, but there are matters here in Wakanda that I must attend to. If you ever need a place of to stay, however, my home is forever open," T'Challa remarks, nodding.

Shuri grins at her brother, turning back to the ship which the four heroes begin to load into. Before Bucky can get on, she latches onto his arm and pulls him back.

"Do not forget what you learned, Sergeant Barnes," Shuri smiles, tilting her head. Bucky nods, returning the smile.

"I won't, Shuri. Thank you, for everything," Shuri waves him off, shaking her head.

"The lab gets boring every now and then. I can't say it wasn't interesting to have a super soldier in our care," Bucky chuckles softly, giving her one last smile. However, Shuri does not fail in detecting the fear and pain lingering in his eyes. "What Hydra did to you was not your fault. When you face them," She begins, her smile falling. "You must remember that they have no control on you. Good luck," She quickly pulls him into a short hug, before stepping back and allowing him on board.

The New Fist Of Hydra ☆ AvengersTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang