Au Revoir Le Chateau

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"Yes, your esteemed cousin hasn't sent us the flight details yet, but we can expect their arrival. My men will prepare the hotel and the rooms. Further teams will be in the vicinity at all times. All necessary information will come to me and I will forward the relevant ones to you."

The older man was apparently satisfied with this statement and nodded. "Then let's hope that Anne can convince my brother to come."

"And once they are at the coast and in our territory, what then?" the younger man asked.

"Then we'll take Paris."


During breakfast the next morning, Anne tried to interest Louis in the planned trip. It was just the two of them, so there weren't any distractions.

"So, Louis, did you think about it?" she asked.

Louis placed his knife and fork back on the plate. He hadn't eaten much, but he wasn't hungry any longer. "I thought for some time about it and you are right. Maybe I should, - we all should – leave the chateau and take a vacation. And a little trip to the Cote D'Azur would fit very well."

Anne smiled and raised her orange juice. "Good, then it's decided."

Louis tried to curb her enthusiasm. "I expect everything to be planned and organized."

"Yes, of course, you can leave everything to me," Anne said. Nothing could dampen her spirit now. Louis raised his orange juice as well and they clinked their glasses to seal the deal.

After they had both taken a sip of their juice, Louis continued. "I'll have to speak with Treville. He has to take care of our security during the journey and our stay."

Anne nodded. She had expected this and was perfectly okay with it. And it would certainly be in Constance's interest as well.

"By the way, who is the woman I saw coming out of your room? You seem to have spent a lot of time with her lately," Anne asked, trying to sound casual.

"You'll get to know her soon enough. She will accompany us as well, so plan for one more person."


Nathan was in the surveillance room with a mild hangover. Henry, Marc and he had celebrated last night, and maybe they should have stopped after the fifth beer. Now he was paying the price for it. He dissolved another fizzy tablet in a glass of water and went through the recordings. The outside camera at the garage showed a dark figure taking a car and leaving the grounds. Nathan zoomed closer.

"Treville, why did you take a car at that time of night, when you've got your own?" Nathan asked himself. He had a bad feeling about this. He copied the license plate and followed the car on the traffic cams. "And what are you doing in that area of Paris?" The situation turned more and more fishy. And in Paris he had a lot more possibilities. Like a lot of major cities, Paris was more or less covered with traffic cams and private as well as public surveillance cameras.

It was child's play for him to hack into them. The cameras covering ATMs were very helpful as well. He watched Treville walk along the streets, before he stopped at a streetlight and got into a car. They drove for a short distance, before Treville got out again, walked back to his car and drove straight back to the chateau, but that last part didn't interest Nathan any more. It was much more interesting to find out, whose car Treville had gotten into. Quickly he ran the license plate through the DMV data base, but couldn't find anything. Then he had another idea. The government and the tax authorities know everything. He checked their register and lo and behold, he hit paydirt.

BBC Musketeers / Coast of dreamsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz