
Start from the beginning

A bloodbath awaited him as he landed above the clearing. The bandits that he had searched for laid in a pool of their own blood, and an unhealthy looking woman chose to not kill her target. Suddenly, the woman's head was bitten off by a type of Creature that he had known well. Unaffected by the sudden tragedy, the shadow looked at the man in front of the Canis, sensing something similar from him. Smirking, he saw the two face off against each other. With the wolf's first leap, the shadow took out an apple sized grenade in his left hand. An brief exchange almost too quick to see followed. "Pomegranate," the shadow smirked as he dropped it. Unaware that it had just swallowed a deadly weapon, the white wolf and the copper man faced each other once again.


Their brief exchange had left the white wolf immobilized. The gashes on its paw and stomach watered the soil it stood upon. Ignoring the pain it had accumulated in such a short time, the Canis launched at Drac again. Its mighty leap shook the earth, however it was too late. In mid-flight the grenade it had unknowingly swallowed exploded inside of its stomach. The predator crashed into the ground, tears falling out of its red eyes as whimpered in pain.

A dozen black feathers rained from the treetops. In requiem for the pitiful Creature, they formed a circle around it. Immediately following, a large swoosh ruffled emerald leaves from their respective trees. A large raven with three legs swooped down using its majestic bouquet of ebony feathers. Its three claws carried a young man in a green hooded sweatshirt while its transparent blue eyes locked onto the dying Canis. The magnificent bird absorbed the sparkling sunlight, painting the image of a black angel appearing before death. This bird was a Creature known commonly as a Corvus. The Corvus dropped the young man off in front of the pitiful Canis before disappearing into a white light.

He appeared to be the same age, if not a year older than Drac. A malachite colored hooded sweatshirt covered the top half of his body. Black framed glasses revealed amber eyes beneath curly auburn hair, and slight freckles covered his peach skin. An iron arm guard protected his right arm in contrast to the buckler on his left arm. The shield appeared lightweight, and had a compartment that appeared to hold five grenades with room for one more. A peculiar object resembling a bottle was clipped to the back of his brown belt. Shin guards protected his legs over khaki trousers and his green shoes stepped towards the dying Creature. He unsheathed the katana on his back. The blade was thick, and the tip had a small hole that mimicked the barrel of a gun. Something that could be viewed as a second handle with a trigger stood at the top of the hilt. Finally, ancient runes from another world decorated the blade and the bottle.

A deep slicing sound emerged from the Canis' neck. The katana drew final blood, causing the Creature to disappear back into the world it had came from. Its body had become transparent, but was kept in place by the rune covered blade. The young man muttered a prayer as the white wolf walked on the boundary between this world and the next. "Solitary Creature lost between worlds, a contract shall now be formed." The mythical runes on the bottle and blade glowed in harmony. "At the end of 3, your ascension shall come to be realized. However, during the period between you shall be my servant. Seal, Canis Blanc." A gentle white light captivated all vision. Within moments, the dying Canis had disappeared not into its original world, but into the rune sealed bottle.

All mystical energy had dispersed, leaving only the chirping of insects in its wake. It was noisy, yet solitary and inactive. Drac stared at the green figure with unmoving eyes. Noticing the gaze behind him, the young man sheathed his katana then observed with curiosity. They stood at the same height, with Drac being slightly taller by a few centimeters. Tension grew within the clearing as the two stared at one another. The young man stared into Drac's grey mirrors of eyes, examining him. Within time, his once serious amber eyes had grown friendly. "Whaddup, man?" he said. His voice was higher than Drac's, but felt as if it carried the same weight. "Sorry for droppin' a pomegranate on ya when it was gettin' all badass n' shit." He stumbled towards the bandit corpses before turning backwards again. "My name's Delta by the way, Delta Posterus." Drac recognized the surname immediately. Vania had mentioned him once, he was her older twin by a few minutes.

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