'Niall and you are to go to L.A. for shopping and lunch. He'll be there around 12:30'

I glnce at the time. Shit. That's in fifteen minutes! I leap into action and change into a pair of shorts and a crop top that says 'free WiFi' on it and purple vans.

I braid my hair and apply mascara and lip balm. I grab about 300$ and reach the last step of the staircase as Niall pulls into the driveway.

Oliver was put in charge of Niall and I's relationship after Sandy was fired and had a restraining order against her saying she isn't allowed to come within 500 feet of me. And shes been told shes going to sued if she tells anyone about the contract.

Oliver seems like a dickhead and makes sure we commicate on social media every three or four days.

Niall and I dont like him that much.

"Hello!" I hug my fiance before he backs out.

"Good afternoon. Hungry? "

I nod, my hand going to my growling stomach. "My dad pissed me off a little. He almost spit his drink out when I told him about the proposal."

Niall nods. "So, mums in town. We're meeting her for lunch. We should tell her before she finds out through social media. "

"That's great!"

Niall parks in a parking lot of a French themed restaurant. Maura is already here, in the back of the restaurant."

"Mum." Niall grabs her attention.

She stands and gives him a big hug. "Niall. Its nice to see you! And Emily! You've grown!" She pulls me in for a hug and I hug her back.

Sitting down, I open a menu. What do I want? Should I get a croque Monsieur? Or croque madame? I chose the croque Monsieur because those are really good. I hadn't had one since returning from Europe back in 2013.

Niall got Ratatoullie and Maura got snails.


"So, Niall said you have some big news."

I play with the ring underneath the table, nervous to tell. Especially in a crowded place like this.

"Can I just show you?"

She nods, wanting to know anyway I could tell her. I show her the ring and she smiles. "Congratulations you two. How long?"

"Last night." Niall replied, intertwining our hands.

Our food shows up and we happily chat and eat. Niall pays for all of us even though we protested. Maura returned to her hotel to sleep off the jet lag and Niall and I went to the mall and just walked around.

I might be gotten my nose pierced.

"Did it hurt?" Niall asks.

I shake my head. "Nah. It depends on the pain tolerance level."

Niall pokes my cheek and I roll my eyes. "Poke me one more time and I'll have Zayn tattoo you."

Niall's eyes widen and he nods. "No. He will probably put a dick on my body somewhere. And besides. I want to stay tattooless."

I nod. "You kook sexier without them." We exit the mall and are swarmed by paps.

"Emily! Emily! Over here! Is it true you are pregnant?"

"Niall! Emily! Let me get a photo?"

"Are you two engaged?"

"Are you a cover up for Narry?!"

I laugh at the second one. As much as I love Narry Fucking Storan, I'm happy to have Niall.

Hashtag Narry threesome!

We finally reach the car and Niall drives off as I go through instagram, hoping rumours haven't started.

Blurry photos of us adorned One Direction updates and some clear shots of me are there as well. You can see the nose piercing. HD all the way!

"So, you're dad isn't going to flip out about the nose piercing?"

I shrug. "He might. But he'll get over it."

Niall stops at a park. "Listen. I know the divorce isn't easy on you. It might be starting to get to you that your parents have separated. Just please, talk to me if you're going to do anything drastic like dress in all black and dye your hair black and turn pale as in Harry X Factor pale."

I snort at the last part. "Yeah. He was pretty pale."

Niall couldn't hold a smile back.

We got out and just played like five year olds on the park till fans started showing up. We took some photos and carried on with our day.

I turned on the radio and Welcome To The Black Parade was on. "Yes! This is my jam!"

No literally. I've been addicted to that song for days. Its the only song I listen to now. Niall just taps his finger on the steering wheel as I rock out to MCR.

Too bad they broke up.

We were at a stop light so we were sitting in traffic while we waited for it to change.

Niall and I spent the rest of the day at the beach with the others, and Perrie who flew in to see Zayn. We chatted on wedding ideas and cute nose rings for a long time before Niall pried me away and we took a stroll on the beach with Zerrie a few feet away, following our idea.

"You know you can't actually get married till you're 18. Your dads rules." Niall comments.

Kicking the sand, I nod. "I'm just excited you know. I've been planning this day since last year. Before I met you, by the way. I want to walk down the isle to Ed Sheeran playing. My first dance is going to be either Photograph or Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran and my burial song is Forever Young."

Niall laughs. "Life planned out, yea?"

I beam. The sun started to set so we headed back to the others who had started a little fire and were roasting smores.

Sitting on the blanket next to Niall and Perrie, I stuck a marchmallow on a stick. "This reminds me of your first music video." I say, breaking the silence.

Liam laughs. "Yeah, it does! Man. It seems like ages ago we were formed."

The other four agree. "But its only been four years." Harry sighs.

"Who knew we'd be here right now, in four years?"

No one commented.

"What if Liam got through at 14. What if Zayn slept in that day. What if Katy Perry said no?" I ask.

The others just look at eachother.

"We wouldn't be here right now. None of us. Zayn wouldn't have Perrie. Emily wouldn't have Niall." Louis sadly comments.

We sit there in a depressed silence. "What if Jade made it through the first time?" Perrie asks in a quiet voice. "What if I made it as a solo artist? Or Leigh or Jesy?"

I put a calming hand on her back. "Just be glad things turned out the way they are."


Uhm. A late 4 Years of 1D chappie... Even though its august in the story...

- e.h.

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