Part 1

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Luke eyed Michael as he sat on the sofa playing Fifa. He had been waiting to get the other boy alone for some time now. Each day his feelings for the purple hair lad grew stronger until Luke knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer. But now his chance had come. With Ash and Calum gone for the night, Luke knew he had his oppertunity.

Coming from the bedrooms, where Luke had discreetly hid the bottle of lube he had purchased that afternoon, he crossed the room to sit next to Michael on the couch. He sat with his leg on the cushion, facing the TV but also giving him the angle to look at Michael without him seeing. Luke eyed the way the older boys hair kept falling in his eyes, even after he kept pushing it away. The way his fingers moved smoothly over the buttons on the controller, so hard and skillful. But most importantly the way he ran his tongue along his plump bottom lip, wetting it ever so slightly, every time he passed the ball.

Luke had never wanted Michael so bad.

Running his hands through his hair Luke looked at Michael and then back at the TV. He didn't know how to start this. Whether he should start this. Michael was his band mate, his best friend not his.. lover. Luke sighed drawing Michaels attention.

"You alright, mate?" Michael asked Luke, glancing at him quickly before his attention was back on the game. He could tell something was off with Luke. The blonde lad had been suspiciously quiet all day. After going out and returning with a small grocery bag this afternoon, Luke had turned a new shade of red when Michael had caught the younger lads eyes. What it was about though, Michael couldn't figure out.

Luke glanced up at Michael, startled by the question. "Yeah, I'm good," Luke said but trailed off. "Just, uh, tired I guess." He lied. Tired? More like nervous and horny as hell.

After a short silence, interrupted by Michael cheering when he scored a goal, Luke spoke up again. "Can I ask you a question, actually?"

Michael paused the game, leaning back and looking over at his best mate. He raised an eyebrow and nodded, giving him his full attention. Luke took a deep breath. "Have you ever been.. curious?" He questioned Michael.

"Curious?" Michael repeated confused. "What like about where things go missing?"

"No," Luke shook his head. "Like, sexually curious." Luke looked up at Michael as he said this gauging his reaction, chewing on his lip ring in anticipation. He decided to just come right out with it. No more beating around the bush. But, oh God, what if he thought he was a freak? What if Michael was a homophobe and wanted nothing to do with him anymore? But Michael only appeared confused until a look of understanding crossed his features.

"Luke a-are you gay?" He stuttered out. Michael looked at Luke with new eyes, he was curious of the answer he would receive. His best mate.. Gay? He just couldn't believe it. He himself had thought to be bi in middle school, but that was all a phase the went through at that age. Luke nodded feebly though, cheeks turning red. He glanced at the TV, at the hands wringing in his lap, anywhere except Michael. The secret he had kept for three years was now out, and in the hands of the boy who had his heart.

"Look I know it's stupid," Luke said. "But I just, well I mean, ugh I don't know man." Luke struggled to form a coherent sentence. Michael sat there still staring at Luke. He knew he should say something he just didn't know what. For every second he didn't though, Luke's heart was breaking.

"Look I shouldn't have said anything okay? Just forget it. Forget I told you I was gay. Forget I told you I liked you-" Luke was interrupted.

"You like me?" Michael looked up at Luke, neck cracking from the sudden movement. Luke's eyes widened, realizing what he had just let slip.

"Uh, I uh," Luke didn't know what to say. What could he say. The truth?

"Tell me the truth Luke," Micahel said sternly, while standing up, reading Luke's thoughts. Luke shrank back in the couch, slightly intimidated by the now taller lad. Michael loomed over the boy on the couch, his stance was loose yet firm. Prepared for anything. But Luke's silence was answer enough. Michaels eyes turned soft and he crouched in front of Luke. His head was down, not meeting Michaels eyes. All he wanted was to run away. This was nothing like how he planned tonight to go. He was embarrased, and heartbroken. "How long?" Michael asked him softly. Luke only sniffed and didn't answer. "Luke," Michael spoke sternly. "How long?"

Luke looked up, his tear filled eyes connecting with the most beautiful sea green ones he had ever seen. "Since the day you looked in my eyes and sang Next To You back home in oz. " Luke confessed while Michael gasped and blinked. His heart fluttered to this unknown feeling of.. love? Never had someone so openly confessed their feelings to him. But this was different because, Luke was.. well Luke was Luke.

And he was perfect.

Michael placed his index finger under Luke's chin, lifting it until Lukes eyes connected with his. "Three years?" Michael asked, and then softly laughed. "Three years."

"Michael, look, it's okay. I'm sorry alright? I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just thought that maybe, ya know, you might feel the same. I remeber you saying something about liking guys in middle school and..." Luke droned on, while Michael just watched. Watched the way Luke's eyes darted back and forth like he was reading a list. Watched how easily he came up with every reason, like he had thought of them a million times before. Watched how his tongue darted out to swipe over his lip ring every couple words. "...and ya know then there was the time in the elevator and how we were pushed together and you were breathing down my neck and the time-" But Luke was interrupted as Michael swiftly placed his lips on the younger lads. Just as quick as they connected they were gone, and Luke was sat frozen in shock.

"Three years, huh?" Michael asked again. Luke could only nod dumbfoundedly still reeling from what happened. "Guess we've got a lot to make up for then." Michael said with a smile.


A/N: Would anyone like a part two? :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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