Chapter 3

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I wish I could have stayed alseep. Being on a ship with blood loss was not my defiition of fun. But Leon was having a blast helping the crew navigating and manning the ship. But I'd rather deal with sea sickness than closterphobia. I had to admit it was a beautiful view. It was just after sunset and the sky was a deep orange that was decorated with thin clouds. The ship had giant sails with what looked like a million ropes attached to it. I leaned over the side of the ship to take a look at the water splashing against the body of the ship. The water looked so welcoming, so beckoning. Like it was waiting for me to jump in.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Someone warned.
I whipped around but didn't see anyone there except the sailors scurrying around working the ship. I scrunched my face in confusion and backed away from the edge. Not taking any more chances.
I tugged on the silk shawl Sylvaine left me, getting lost in my thoughts. How could everything change so fast? I went from a girl who always has her nose in a book to a girl who has a target on her back. And I already have an idea what it feels like for that target to be hit, and I know it won't be the last.
"Calm yourself. Or are you trying to tip over the boat?" Necro warned.
It was only then that I realized the boat was rocking violently and the winds were howling menacingly. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing, trying to relax so I didn't tear the ship apart. I inhaled and exhaled methodically to keep myself at bay until we were on dry land. It worked for the most part, the wind wasn't trying to rip us in half. But the dark clouds stayed looming, like a reminder that I can't run from my fate.

"Hey Hawthorn you alright?" Leon suddenly appeared beside me. His face sheen with sweat.
"Yeah I'm fine, just enjoying the breeze." I said lamely
"I'm sure" he eyed me suspiciously ."How are you feeling? Any pain?"
I chuckled bitterly "I think pain is the least of my problems." I walked toward the banister again and looked out to the dark sea.
Is this what my life will become? Darkness?
"What about you?" I continued "How are you feeling about... everything"
"I'm fine" he replied flatly.
I exhaled "Leon..."
"Dont, just dont." I could hear his voice waver.
I turned to look at him and he refused to meet my eyes. "We have to talk about it sometime, it's bad to bottle things up and eventually your going to explode."
"Now is not the time for feelings Heidi, and you are the last person on earth to talk to me about bottling shit up."
I was taken aback with his sudden show of anger towards me, and the low blow too.
"I'm just trying to help-"
"You know what would help? If you stop acting like you know what I'm going through." Now I was getting angry.
"I do know what you're going through. I'm just trying to help; I lost my brother."
"WHO YOU NEVER MET!" He boomed. He was breathing heavily and this time when he finally met my gaze and his eyes were swirling red.
That's not good. Necro warned. I could feel him stirring from Leon's power as it began to radiate, but I kept my cool.
"I may not have known him as long as you knew Ceci. But I had to watch him die Leon. I watched helpless as Eric murdered him the same way he tried with me."
He huffed as he tried to calm himself and process what I told him. Then it occurred to me I never told him what I saw in the shrine.
"How is that even possible?"he questioned.
"Look, when I was in the shrine it showed me things. It showed me Victors ceremony day 18 years ago. Before his trial even started, Eric showed up and impaled him. " I lifted up my shirt to show him my reddened stomach "Just like this." He flinched at the sight of my wound and averted his gaze again.
"I lost my whole family... you're all I have left" I whispered. His jaw clenched like the world depended on it. But I could feel his energy fizzle away and Necro settled down.
Magic is a pain in the ass.
Leon still refused to look at me or even speak to me. I guess he was done and I was too tired to fight back. I leaned on the bannister again, exhausted and in my defense I was here first. No way was I gonna be the one to walk away, that's not how I work. He knew that.
I closed my eyes and let the breeze try to carry away my troubles but it didn't seem to be working. I still had a brooding warrior standing in front of me refusing to acknowledge me.
Once I got over the rocking of the boat it actually felt nice to be so close water. I feel like I would be able to be myself in the water. Free to flow with it wherever it carried me. No restrictions. No rules. Just me and the water.
There was a sudden scuffle and voices clashing with each other frantically. Seconds later there was a thunderous boom and it jerked the ship mercilessly. I barely had time to brace myself so I didn't completely face plant onto the deck.
Necro suddenly flared to life manifesting himself in all his glory, ready to fight whatever danger there was. Leon sprung to my side and pulled out weapons I didn't even know he had. He looked ready to attack anything threatening he saw, even when we were fighting he's still so protective.
The crew was still running around like headless chickens, trying to figure out what happened.
"Get below deck, now." Leon's eyes were everywhere trying to find anything that would try to harm me. I nodded curtly and descended the step steps, Necro shrunk himself to fit below, his blue hue illuminated the space and made me feel better.
"What's going on out there?" Necro turned his scaly face towards mine and yellow eyes pierced mine.
"Someone is trying to test you."
"What? How? Why?"
"You sure ask a lot of questions." he sighed "You are a phenomenon, theres not been a human who was born with so little and then gained the powers of a goddess overnight. Those with that kind of potential are born with powers and harness them."
The boat rocked more and this time I did fall, right on my face.
"Can't I get a fucking break?" I spat
"No I dont believe that's on the agenda."
"Shut up smart ass." I pushed myself up and looked up, hearing yells and the clash of metal.
"They're fighting" I said to no one "I have to help!" I made a mad dash up the steps and burst through the deck with Necro right behind me.
Perhaps playing into their hands is not wise."
"If they want a show I'll give them one. No one fucks with me and my people." This seemed to please Necro because he grinned - as much as a dragon could - and outstretched his wings.
"I like you little human. Now let's fight."
We both took off into the air picking up some people that were surrounding us as we chatted. When I looked down I realized just how bad it was. We were being swarmed. The deck was filled with creatures I'd never seen before. They had bodies of a human but their skin was a varying grayish black. My eyes widened in shock, what in the hell was going on?
I quickly flew down blowing gusts of air at the creature's sending them miles away.
Better be careful not to blow the crew away.
"Focus!" Necro warned. And man I should've listened. I didn't realize I was headed straight for the floorboards for yet another, faceplant. If anyone ever needs to find me they just need to know what I look like, trust me there will be a trail faces at the rate I'm going.
I groaned as I impacted with the hard wood, hair splayed all over the place.
This time I felt a pair of strong hands grab my shoulders and yank me upright.
"I though I told you to go below!" Leon yelled amid all the chaos. His eyes blazed as his tanned skin glowed blue from the power of his chimera.
"I'm not some damsel in distress!" I argued. Even though I'm literally a damsel and I woke up distressed.
He growled in frustration and tossed me a rapier he was wielding
"You're better with a sword than you are your magic right now. Use what I taught you and dont die."
I smiled widely,"Now your talking." In that moment I sprung into action. No questions asked. I swung the sword swiftly through the air putting only whatever power Necro provided into the blade. The creature's invading were... sickening. Their eyes bore nor color, no distinguishing pupils. So when they became to close for comfort all I saw were their eyes as I cut them down one by one.
I was grateful Leon trained me through the years, without it I would probably just be bait. As I impaled another creature, one of them tackled me from the side taking me down. The rapier was still between us and I tried to use it to gain the advantage. But since I was on the floor, the edge of the blade didn't seem to bother my assailant. It continued to drool and try to take chunks out of my face with its razor teeth.
Alright that's enough.
I put all the strength I had into my arm and pushed forward. Slicing it in half. The creatures torso landed next to me. The mouth still moving, but mechanically. I looked around and saw this was a losing battle, for every five things there was one of us. And I didn't like those odds.
"Necro let's finish this." He roared in agreement and swept me in the air once more. I felt his power flow into me as we merged to make a strike so powerful to blow all the enemies away. The wind growled and screamed with us as we built up power and the water moved anxiously to aid us, rocking the ship. With everyone off balance it was easy to lock in our targets. With one fell swoop Necro and I dove down causing a gust so strong it should have blown us all into oblivion. But only our enemies were the ones who met the terrible fate of the wind and water working as one.
There was an echo of voices as they faded into the distance. There was a collective breath across the entire ship as we were no longer under attack. After a few moments of dead silence everyone's voice came together in a cry of victory.
Some sailors were lost in the battle, but not as many as there should have been considering the drastic difference in numbers.
Necro landed me as softly as he could, because the universe knows I probably would have killed myself if I tried. I was breathing heavily, rapier still clutched firmly in my grasp.
The sky no longer looking gray, I let a small smile play across my face.
I raised my sword arm into the air and let out my most guttural, primal scream. I was met by another chorus of cries among the ship, some filled with loss and others with joy.
When my lungs were spent I plopped down onto the deck and laid my head back. I'd easily killed twenty of those creatures, I think this distressed damsel deserved some shut eye.


Sorry this took so long, I hope you guys enjoyed it there is definitely more to come! I want to dedicate this chapter to one of my best friends Tony. I love you my dude and thank you for your support. All of you, it won't be long until the next chapter is out. Tell me what you think!!!!

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