I am not

20 11 7

People tell me

I bore them.

They say I can't have,

a conversation.

They say I look studious.

They say I must be good with,

that dreaded subject,


But what they don't know,

is how many think I am

fun to be around.

How many think I am

funny to talk with.

How I am not that studious.

How I am not good at,

that awful subject,


People judge me from what?

People judge me from where?

What are their premises,

for judging?

How do they know me?

How do they know anything?

They can't judge based on,

one conversation.

They can't judge based on,

the fact I'm Asian.

See, I just made a rhyme.

I must be fun, right?

I'm not a studious geek.

I'm not who they think I am.

They can't judge me based on,

such little conversation,

such little contact.

If only,


they gave me a chance,

they will know I am not

who they think I am.

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