Chapter 2- Adjustments

Start from the beginning

When Jeremiah slowly lowered his hands, (Y/n) did as well. "Sorry Mr. Wild, you took us by surprise. So did you, (L/n)," Jim said. Jeremiah gave a nod and walked around the table that was covered with metal scraps. (Y/n) smiled and leaned against the table before she decided to sit in the cushioned stool.

"Like I, she has a name that was given to her at birth," Jeremiah huffed. "Call me Jeremiah." When Harvey and Jim gave their attention towards her, (Y/n) smiled and stopped tilting side to side. "(Y/n)," she said clearly.

Jim placed his gun in the holster that was strapped around his side and underneath his vest. "Might I ask what's she's doing with you?" Harvey crossed his arms and look at the ground when licking his lips. Jeremiah and (Y/n) looked at one another, except only she smiled. "Well, every man genius needs a woman assistant," he sighed.

(Y/n) turned her back towards the men in the room. She was blushing in the cheeks for a unknown reason. "Ah," Jim mumbled. He looked at (Y/n), then towards the computers. "What's all this?" Jeremiah quickly leaned off the table, which jolted Harvey. "Don't touch that!" he yelled. (Y/n) turned her head and furrowed her brows to Jeremiah. "That's very sensitive equipment," he chocked.

When Jim pushed the 'on' switch on one of the computers, all of the small televisions glitches on. "Oh! Yeah! That's looks pretty sensitive!" Harvey yelled. As Jeremiah looked concerned, (Y/n) looked confused while walking towards him. He grabbed her wrist and tugged her behind him. (Y/n) still looked at the computer that had a man stretching in lunges before he stopped and waved to the camera that was watching him.

"I, uh," Jeremiah stuttered. (Y/n) then gasped when her wrist was tugged. Jeremiah began to pull and run with her towards another door, which lead to a long hallway that ended up being a maze. "J-Jeremiah?" (Y/n) stuttered. Her heart was racing from the running that was starting to out her out of breath.

"Oh brother!" a raspy voice called out. Jeremiah stopped, so did (Y/n)when they turned a corner that a lighted up sign that flashed the words 'the end'. When Jeremiah released her, she turned to see two more people she didn't know. Once has a large top hat and wore black and white checkered clothes, and the other was wrapped in dark, patchy material but has a scarecrow face.

"Jerome," Jeremiah whispered. It was the same man in a beige suit from the television. He had orange hair like Jeremiah's, yet his face looked as if it was stitched on. When he looked at her with his piercing, green eyes, she swallowed.

"Oh, she's a beauty," Jerome mumbled. "Mind if I get my hands on her next?" (Y/n) narrowed her eyes and took a step back when Jeremiah casted his arm in front of her. "Don't touch her," Jeremiah breathed. Again, (Y/n) blushed towards his voice and actions.

"Oh? Well, fine then! Don't want to accidentally kill her," Jerome said. The gun was then pointed at her head, causing her to gasp and take more steps backwards. "Scared? Well, we can all go insane with just one bad day," Jerome grinned.  "(Y/n), go back the way we came. Now, please," Jeremiah said.

(Y/n) parted her lips to speak but nothing came out. Instead, she nodded and quickly walked down the tunnel the two other characters weren't in, in hope to find either Jim or Harvey.

"Ooh, so she's your puppet? Now that's a surprise from you, brother," Jerome smirked. "And I thought I was the handsome one who attracted the ladies." Jeremiah sighed with shaky breaths as Jerome's face began to get closer and closer to his own. "What do you want with me?" Jeremiah asked.

Jerome grinned. (Y/n) then fell onto her rear after colliding into the guy with the top hat. "Go! Go! Go!" he yelled as the clothed man ran around her. "(Y/n)!" Jim yelled. Harvey didn't stop to help her up, instead that man kept running and shooting, unlike his partner. "I'm okay, but Jeremiah," she said with concern in her voice.

Jim gave a nod and pulled (Y/n) to her feet, then placed his hands back on the gun and started to follow his partner. (Y/n) did as well, but stopped when she turned the corner to see Jerome holding his brother in a headlock with the gun pointed to the temple of his twin's head. "Jeremiah!" (Y/n) yelled.

"Get any closer, princess, and I'll splatter him!" Jerome yelled. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes but still kept the worried look. "No you won't! If you wanted him dead, then you would have killed him already!" Jim yelled. Everyone directed their eyes towards Gordon as he kept the gun pointed towards Jerome.

"He's right. Well, I'll see you soon," Jerome mumbled. He kissed the back of his brother's head before shooting at (Y/n)'s feet and caused her to take multiple steps backend scurry behind Gordon with a few yelps. When Jeremiah was shoved to the ground, Jerome took off with the others.

"Jeremiah!" (Y/n) loudly said. She sat on her knees and held his sleeve as he panted from his racing heart. "I'm fine," he said. Gordon and Harvey ran after Jerome, but it sounded like they didn't get far. "Adjustments," Jeremiah breathed.

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