"2018," Rumlow responds. "But you'll learn more about the modern age soon enough. Come with me. There is much to be done."

Raina follows the man who claims to lead Hydra, currently trusting him enough. The scientists are weary about the girl, however, they ignore the fear and strap her into the metal chair that Rumlow has lead them to.

"I've done this before," Raina explains calmly, looking up at Rumlow.

"Then you know it's going to hurt like a bitch."

"Yes," Raina nods, raising a brow. "I also know there is no need to do it. I have no problem complying."

"I know you don't," Rumlow grins, taking a step back. "But Hydra's taken a bit of an update. We need to seal that information into your head."

The process, similar to the memory wiping of the Winter Soldier, yet higher in pain. Instead of wiping Raina of all her prior memories, like Hydra had done with Bucky Barnes, she is instead implanted with thoughts and ideas that link her to believing Hydra is correct- that it is the only way to improve the world.

There are no complications like the Winter Soldier, no nagging memories threatening to rise to surface at the worst time possible. The memories will remain, but the thoughts will not be hers. She will believe everything Hydra tells her, as if she simply believes Hydra to be true.

The black mouthpiece is placed in her mouth, the large metal headpiece lowering to her head. Pale eyes flutter closed, her breathing quickening in anticipation for the pain to come.

Without warning, jolts of electricity ripple through her body, screams ripping through her lips. As if her brain is slowly melting away, Raina's body juts forward, the restraints cutting away at flesh on her wrists and ankles as she trashes in them.

The pain seemingly lasts for hours, though only a few minutes. Finally, the process ceases, the pain becoming a numbing throb in her body. The teenager's head falls forward as it's released from the headpiece, her consciousness fading away.

"Crossbones," One of the scientists approaches her superior, frowning. "Were you aware of a power that Ms. Barnes possesses?"

"A power?" Rumlow questions, giving his attention to the woman. "What do you mean?"

"She has electricity generation- or lightning, per se- and has the ability to harness it."

Before the scientist can go further into depth, Rumlow's lips turn up in a sadistic smirk, his brown eyes flashing with mischief.



Her fist connects with the Hydra agent swiftly, the crack of his jaw filling the empty, steel walled room. In a graceful movement, Raina's left leg hoists up and wraps around the back of his neck, pulling him down to make contact with her right knee. As she has him in the headlock, the assassin uses the advantage to break his wrist, the gun clattering to the floor.

Before the man can even scream out in pain, she has already released him from the lock and snapped his neck with her hands, the limp body dropping to the floor.

"Having him dead does you no good," Raina remarks, not bothering to glance over her shoulder. Rumlow leans against the glass door frame, impressed slightly by her note of her surroundings. The criminal has been in far too many situations with agents who lack that certain skill; for Raina, it's almost like habit.

"Hydra has no room for weak links," Rumlow replies, taking slow steps towards her. The brunette, standing by a metal bench, downs a few gulps of water while the white towel remains slung around her neck.

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