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"GET BACK HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" the man yelled.
The girl ran down the street, not stopping until the shop with the now angered owner was out of sight.

Not paying attention to her surroundings, she bumped into someone, her sword falling out of her grip.

"HEY! Watch where you're going! You almost chopped my foot off!" He stated angrily. The girl looked down at his foot and saw the tiniest scratch. Scoffing at his weakness, the girl lifted up her shirt, revealing a horrendous stab wound.

Eyes widened, the man was speechless.
Smirking, the girl pulled her shirt down and continued running.

"Eh? Hey Mugen! You saw that kid?! Go after 'em?! I don't pay you for nothing!" the man yelled.

Rolling his eyes, the guy now known as Mugen ran after you, gripping his sword in his hand as he ran.

The old geezer doesn't pay me at all...


Can't let myself get caught again... He also nearly had my mask off...

Nia pulled off her mask, her long brown hair falling around her waist.
Walking out onto the streets, she tried her best to look like a normal citizen, as she had heard the guy with the afro calling out to her while she was making her way out of the crowded town.

Walking towards an open market, Nia kept her head low as she grabbed an apple and dashed off again.


For god sake where is that guy?!

Running down the street, Mugen bumped into someone else, running in the opposite direction.

This really isn't my day... He thought.

Looking up, he immediately knew who this was.

"You..." he mumbled to himself.

"I finally found you!"

Sorry for the short chapter guys! I was gonna get this updated sooner, but I've had so much going on, I really haven't had time to!
I'll write more soon!

-Holly ⚡

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