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My friends say go for it live the dream you have always wanted whereas my parents tells me it's their way or nothing I was born into the company so I will be brought up in that company but I don't know if that is what I want.

Today is the first day of year 11 the biggest year of my life and the hardest choice I'll ever make. I go to five acres high school in the Forest of Dean and well - let's just say things are never easy for me at that school it's either a bullied day or a loose a friend day or just plain dumb day.

PART. 2; Legacy
It was a warm day the sun was shining and the turquoise sky was clear nothing but the sound of cars and birds singing was heard , except from the odd bark of dogs and motorcycles speeding by .
The only sad part about that beautiful day was the sound of the school bell ringing for uniform & equipment check dead on 8:30 in the morning.
To students saying time to be checked for uniform or equipment, where as for me it bleeds out a piece full day or 24 hours in hell AKA isolation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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