Chapter 7

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I am back!!! XD :) lets give mew that chat-pter then shall we?!

Felix's POV

   It's good to see Marinette again. I haven't seen her since I moved to England for that private school. I also haven't texted or called her since around a year afterwards because I broke my phone. Although it has been a while, I am still surprised that she has changed so much. I mean she didn't trip at all and she has obtained so much confidence. I wonder if she is like this all the time now or if it is just when she is Ladybug. I mean sure it doesn't matter but I am still curious.

   I am going to her school tomorrow so I'll find out then. Oh and I'll get her number as well. Meh, never mind. I will go to her parents bakery later and ask for it then. I wonder how her parents will react when they see me again.

   You know what, I just realized something. I haven't seen father and Adrien yet. The last time I had seen them was a little bit I over a year ago when they came to visit me with mother. I am sure that he has grown by then. Hopefully he hasn't grown taller then me, it's fun to tease him. I forget what the magazine said about his hight. Speaking of which, it I didn't see Mari on any of the magazines. It seems that she no longer models. I guess that she stopped after the car accident. Now I have another thing to wonder about.

Author-chan's POV

   The four superheroes searched the entire school, checking on what shape the students as well as the staff were in. QS had put a spell on almost all of the boys in the school, the exception were the boys in Adrienette's class. QS made all of the boys watch the girls as well as had them tied up. When anyone tried to release them, they would get chased off by the boys. Sadly there are way more boys then girls in the school so it was like getting attacked by an army in each classroom.

   Mari and Bridge used their yo-yo's to tie up the boys while the two cats released the girls and brought them to Adrienette's classroom. They then released the boys. Since they had not idea where the girls were they just stayed there. Quite boring but still they didn't know what to do. They were mindless drones who had been seduced bye QS. Just realized that this is like the one episode in koro Q when they meet  Bitch-sensei. The weird thing is that they didn't go look for the girls. Apparently QS didn't think that they would escape. Or I am just to lazy to make a chase scene.

   Anyway. They repeated this throughout all of the classrooms until all of the girls were safe. Y'know, Hawkmoth shudda just made it so QS could seduce anyone, not just guys. Woulda made it easier and what not.

The four heroes then asked them if that had any clue where QS is. Just like with Nalya, they had absolutely no idea.

   "Wait! Isn't she going after the Agreste brothers?!" Said Lady Luck.

   "Huh? Brothers?" Asked one of the girls.

   "Yes brothers. Man you would think that people would know this kind of stuff" Said Fè. The other three nodded. Each with the expression of 'ikr!'.

   "Well what ever. We don't need to worry about that rn" Said Nino. Yay a sensible person! "Where is Adrien? He was here before the lights had gone out. And ... somehow the room when pitch black though the windows weren't covered and it is the morning. Now I'm confused!" Everyone else agreed.

   "Purrhaps he went home?" Said Chat Noir with a nervous voice.

   "When the power goes out?" Asked Alya.

   "Text from his father?" He replied, his voice going higher.

   "At the beginning of school?" Said Nino.

   "When he checks his schedule every morning?" Continued Alya.

   "And leaves during every lunch as well?" Finish Nino.

   "Well there could be last minute plans that someone made!" Adrien answered.

  "But no one makes unexpected plans for the Agreste's. No one." Said Alya, the last part dead serious.

   "He could have made the arrangements!" He replied with I bit of hope in his eyes.

   "But his dad never makes arrangements unless it is made ahead of time and lets the principle know." Said Nino.

   "Well!......... No you got me there I have no idea." Chat gave up.

   "Actually... where is Mari? She was here too and then disappeared around the same time." Alya pointed out. "Plagg is missing too."

   "Awe but he was soooo cute" Said Rose.

   "Ya well he is very annoying and always makes me carry around camembert" slipped Chat.

   "Huh?! How come he makes you carry around camembert?" Asked Kim.

   "Because it is his kawamii?" Said Lady Luck with a confused look. " and he needs to eat camembert to recharge."

   "But then why was he in the classroom with Marinette this morning?" Said Alex.

   "Wait!" She turned to Marinette. "WHY WAS HE WI- hmf!" Fè placed his hand on her mouth then whispered into her ear.

   "Do you really want to yell that so that everyone can figure out her secret identity?" Bride shook her head no. "Then be more careful when you say something" he said. He then turned to everyone else in the room "sorry about that! She is just confused on why a kawamii was with someone else and not with Chat Noir"

   People then started to take in the fact that they have no clue who those people were. One asked who they were and they told them their super hero names.

   "Okay Back to the problem at hand. Where is Mari?" Asked Nino.

   "Probably at home helping out her parents at the bakery" replied Ladybug.

   "Your probably right. I mean that does happen sometimes so it's understandable. Plus I don't think that QS is after her" Said Alya.

   "Unless she sees her as a love rival when it comes to Adrien" Nino piped in. With that Adrienette started blushing up a storm. Fè and Bridge noticed Maris blush and started to quietly poke at her while laughing.

   Alya high fived Nino and the rest of the class agreed with his comment. Well, everyone except for Chloe. " Excuse me?! Obviously I am the one that Adrikenz is in love with. Not to mention his brother Felix as well" the four super heroes started rolling on the floor from laughing. Everyone was looking at them weird before joining them. Minus Chloe, who just continued to look confused.


   There is the 7th chat-pter hope mew enjoyed it!


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