Chapter 6 part 2

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I am back and I found my Wattpad book yay!


Author POV

"But when we got here there was nothing" said ladybug. Lady Luck nodded her dead to confirm what ladybug was saying. The four superheroes were all lost in their own thoughts. Each, thinking carefully as to make sure that no details were left out. Chat noir was thinking of why he first heard destruction coming from inside of the school. Then it occurred to him. Lady Luck, was thinking about what their next move should be and how they would go about catching the villain. She got shivers just thinking about how the scubas could be trying to seduce her Felix! As well as... her... brother! The same flash of realization hit Lady Luck. They knew where the villain was.

Although the other two had figured it out, the other two had already done that after their quick conversation. Now they were both thinking the same thing. Pretty much as though they were one in the same.

They looked at each other with knowing looks, as though they could read each other's thoughts. 'I know who your secret identity is'

When looking through the other's eyes, they could see their soul, their mood, and the answers that were not need to be spoken. 'Is it you Mari?' Her eyes had shown a warm glow 'Yes it's nice to see you again Fé' with that he smiled.

"It's good to see you too" chat blanc said. Just then their partners remembered that they were there.

"What do you mean 'it's nice to see you again'?" Asked Chat noir well FURrowing his brow.

"I mean I know her secret identity" chat Blanc replied with a 'duh' tone. 'Why does everyone keep talking to me with that tone of voice! None of these things should be better obvious!' (Man adrien is the only idiot)

"Pfft, A's if you could know my lady's secret identity"

"Well I don't know" said Lady Luck , finally jumping into the conversation " it's not entirely impossible"

"Gosh and neither do I for the fact that I also know his. I mean why else would he say that to me"

"By the way, should I visit you later?"

"Sure why not! By the way, there will be another person their as well, Carapace." Said ladybug. (When they were little they all had their superhero names) 'it's a good thing that Adrien was always with Chloe instead or else he might have caught on about who Ladybug, Lady Luck, Carapace, and I are. I'll tell him later (I spelt later and it audio corrected it to l'agreste. I'm here like , even my phone is a MLB fan! 😂) but I can't let him find out about Mari'

"Wait! He you come over. Someone else will be there" Ladybug said well looking at Lady Luck.

'Right Bridge is gonna be there and then she will find out my secret identity. Not that I'm complaining, but she wouldn't like that' Chat Blanc thought.

"Welp lets get back to the matter at hand" said Lady Luck, finally realizing why they were in there heroine forms.

"Ok lets go" replied chat Blanc and ladybug. They start heading towards the school.

"Wait, how did you guys know where to go? I thought you were having that reunion through your eyes?" Inquired Chat Noir.

"It was easy to figure out so we knew right before that eye reading conversation" answered the other flirtatious cat.

"Yeah, where I started to hear the destruction was at the school. Plus all the light went out. I just ended up fallowing the sounds of destruction not knowing what type of villain it was. I then found out that her name was scubas and that she was after the Agreste brothers. Me, being my usual forgetful self-"

"You can say that again" chat Blanc and Lady Luck interrupted.

"Meanies! Just cause I say it doesn't mean you can." Said Mari while puffing put her cheeks in a pout. Felix went up to her and slung an arm over mari's shoulders well using his other to poke her cheeks while Bridgette was laughing.

"Awe! So you haven't changed since the last time I saw you. Let me guess, you are still very clumsy and Chloe still pics on you?"

   "Chat Blanc, you stole the words right out of my mouth!" Said Bridgette after barely recovering from laughing. At this point Chat Noir was beyond jealous. Ladybug knew who those two were and they know who she is. Not only that cut knew her since they were kids to the point in which they act like how they are now! He had enough.

   "Come on lets go defeat the villain! Or have you all forgotten?!" With that he stormed off to his school. The others started heading off as well but giving each other confused looks as to why their group member was acting like this.

   Once they arrived, (Adrienette's classroom) Alya and Nino ran up to them and instead of the heroines asking the questions, Alya sprang questions such as "who are they?" and "Are that staying permanently?" But since they didn't have any time Ladybug said that she would get Marinette to call Alya later for an interview.

The new superheroes laugh at what she said and the others just gave them weird looks. They got back to there previous conversation and asked Alino if they had seen the villain. Sadly they had no idea as to where the Scubas was located. They then realized how oblivious to their surroundings they were. The reason why the lights to the school had gone out and it had shook, was because the school was half destroyed. (Though somehow adrienette and nalya's classroom was in perfect condition) The super heroines had honestly felt very, VERY! Stupid as to have not noticed any of that at any earlier point in time. Now all that they had to do was to fined the villain Scubas.


There that is the rest of the chapter. Though I did add to what I originally wrote because I was getting inspired well writing and ya so now part 2 was like 100 words.


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