Chapter 5: The Melted Man*

Start from the beginning

Thankful he survived, he gave Delilah a weak smile.

"Thank you, Delilah. I'm glad you saved me." She laughed, her voice full and warm, and full of magic. She smiled down at Simon almost lovingly.

"You know, I've been caring for you for a month and I don't even know your name. What's your name, strange man?" Delilah sat down onto the bed next to Simon, smiling warmly at him.

"I'm Simon. I'm glad to finally really meet you, Delilah, though I feel like we are old friends, for your voice has kept me company for so long."

"Simon? That's a good, strong name. It suits you." She glanced him over before giving him a nod of approval.
"When you were asleep, I used to make names up for you. I'd call you Adam, or Philip, or Dylan, but never Simon. Looking back, I really should've known." She laughed again, and Simon couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beautiful sound, it was so musical, almost hypnotic.

"Thank you. I'm glad I could entertain you," Simon said, grinning as widely as he could in his weakened and fragile state. The sound of chirping birds caught Simon's attention. He turned towards the cabin window to see sunlight, green grass and more flowers than a horde of little girls could pick in a season.

"Where's the snow?" Asked Simon, gesturing outside. Delilah laughed again.

"You're funny, Simon." Simon furrowed his brow, trying to decipher where the snow had gone in only a month.

"It...must have melted. Where are the Vikings? Have we won the war?" Simon weakly grabbed Delilah's shoulders, desperate for answers.

"What war? We are not at war. At least, not that I know of." She shrugged.

Simon shook his head.
"Where...what kingdom is this?"
He asked, woozy, but feeling suddenly desperate.

Delilah frowned, holding the back of her hand to Simon's forehead.
"Are you alright? Aelford is good haul from here. We're in Greenvale. You must have struck your head really hard..." Simon felt the colour leave his face. Surely this woman must be mistaken. After all, he'd been in Aelford a mere month ago. There was no way he'd somehow been washed an entire kingdom away!

The next few days inched away for Simon, the news of his location causing him miserable agony. Simon was stuck, immobilised in a lumpy, low to the ground bed knowing that Adelaide was out there, most likely unprotected. He didn't know if she was alright, or if the

Vikings had taken Aelford, and by extension, Adelaide. It scared Simon witless to think that his Adelaide could be in the filthy arms of some burly Viking, bawling her eyes out as she thought of her life with her new, grotesque husband. Every time Simon tried to move, Delilah was by his side, forcing him back down. She was stronger than she looked, and never had an ounce of trouble holding him down.

"Not on my watch. You're so close to being healed, and I won't have you setting yourself back by jiggling about like some kind of landed fish."

Eventually, Simon gave in.
"Much better," said Delilah. "It's good to know that I won't have to tie you down any time soon."

"How do you know so much about caring for the ill and injured?" Asked Simon. Delilah let out a heavy sigh whilst delicately turning Simon in the interest of avoiding bedsores.

"Before my mother passed, she was a healer. She was very knowledgeable and taught me everything she knew. She was a very smart woman." Silence hung in the air and after what he felt was an appropriate amount of time, Simon cleared his throat.

"Do you have any idea what happened to the crown princess of Aelford? Princess Adelaide. What happened to her? Was she abducted by some kind of Viking warlord and dragged off to be their wife...or personal concubine?" His questions had started out normally but his voice filled with more urgency after each sentence.

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