Chapter 27 - Coca-Yeena

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know. My mind has been all over the place." I stick my hand out. 

"Prodigy." I introduce. 

"We know who you are. I'm Coca." The brown skinned one with the long black hair says. She smiles as her attitude begins to fade.

"Ahh, then you must be Yeena." I say turning to the light skinned curly haired friend. 

She laughs. "Yes, that is my stage name but call me, Mena."  

"Nice to meet you Coca and Mena. Your stage name means cocaine, no?" I question. 

They nod. 

"Yes, we are just as addicting." Coca smiles deviously. 

I chuckle. 

"I'm sorry I didn't get to see you  girls perform." I apologize. "How did it go?" 

"Great, you should definitely check out our music sometime. It's a mix of trap Spanish, rap and RnB. No one is like us." Coca says. 

"I will check it out as a matter of fact. You're both Spanish?" I question. 

"Yea, I'm Puerto Rican and Coca is Dominican and Black." Mena answers. 

"That's dope. Well you're both gorgeous, can't wait to listen." I smile and wipe my face and forehead with my towel. 

"Actually, can we get a picture with you." Mena asks. 

"Yea, of course." I say standing to my feet and straightening my shirt. 

"Wait, let me get someone to take it." Coca says running out of the room quickly. She comes back with Emil. 

"I loved your set, you girls were great." Emil compliments as he adjusts Coca's phone landscape to take the photo. 

I stand in the middle and both girls pose up against me. Coca rests her hand on my stomach and brings her face close to mine, her breasts pressing on my arm. Mena's finger plays with my ear. I smile awkward and uncomfortable.

"I don't know, lets do another one a little less closer. Don't want this to be an issue with my girl or the press." I say as nicely as I can. 

"It's no big deal! Our image is very sexy, that's how we take pictures with everyone we meet." Mena laughs. 

"Yea, don't be so paranoid." Coca says. 

"Nah, one more." I say sternly. I look to Emil. "One more, Em." I say. 

The girls roll their eyes, smiles still present on their faces. This time they are further away from me. My face remains neutral.

The phone makes a snapping sound.

"That's the one." I say after the flash. 

"Thank you so much. It was nice meeting you." The girls say their goodbyes but seem reluctant to exit the room. As they turn to go, I can see Emil struggling with himself.

The Come Up (Book II) : PRODIGYWhere stories live. Discover now