You Have No Idea

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Four times Brad has messed up the chords during By Myself and Mike's starting to feel bad for him. Not to mention how fidgety he's acting.

Except for some weird looks thrown his way, Brad has completely avoided him for the two hours they've been rehearsing.

It was only a kiss. Brad has lots of experience in that area, so why the overreaction?

"What's up with you, man?" Chester asks Brad when he mistakes the chord progression for the fifth time.

"It's probably the cock withdrawals," Joe taunts. "You got any today?"

"Shut up, Joe," Brad huffs and sets down his guitar.

Joe lifts his hands up and cowers, feigning fear.

"Let him be, guys. We all have our bad days," Mike says and Brad glances at him briefly.

"But seriously, you okay? You're acting kinda edgy," Chester asks the guitarist in a concerned tone. So it's not just Mike who's noticed Brad's strange behavior.

"I just didn't get a lot of sleep last night," Brad lies and steals another look Mike's way before he turns toward the door. "I'm gonna go get some air."

Mike follows Brad's crestfallen form with his eyes as he steps out of the studio. He sets the mic down and follows his friend outside.

"Hey," he says and walks up to Brad until he's standing in front of him. He's leaning back against Joe's car with his hands in his pockets. He doesn't even look up to meet Mike's gaze. "Everything okay?"

"Why'd you do it?" Brad asks, keeping his eyes on the ground between them.

"Do what?" Mike feigns ignorance for a second. "Oh, you mean the kiss?"

Brad scoffs, finally looking up and crossing his arms over his chest. "You wanted to mess me up or something?"

At that, Mike lets out a sardonic laugh. "You kiss a different guy every night. Why would an innocent kiss mess you up in any way?"

"I don't kiss—" Brad begins, but holds his tongue. "Why do you care, anyway?"

"I don't," Mike lies.

"You said..." Brad pauses, lets out a sigh as he looks down then up at Mike again. There's hesitation in his manners. "You said...once I get my fill...maybe we'll talk. What did you mean by that?"

Now Mike's uncomfortable. He's not ready to voice his feelings for Brad, so he just closes off, mirroring the younger man's crossed arms and replies curtly. "I didn't mean anything by it. You're right. I was just messing with you."

Brad stares at him; eyebrows knitted together. "So you were lying when you said my ways bother you?"

"I just don't get it!" Mike blurts out, uncrossing his arms. "You don't even like to shake strangers hands but you're okay with them kissing and fucking you? How does that make any sense?"

Brad looks away. "You don't understand."

"No, I don't," he says, clasping both hands together. "So please, enlighten me."

"No," the guitarist simply says.

Mike frowns. "Why?"

"Because it doesn't concern you, that's why." Brad retorts.

"It does, actually."

It's Brad's turn to frown. "How, exactly?"

Luckily, Mike doesn't have to answer for Chester leans out of the window to fetch them. "Guys, c'mon. It's almost two. Let's just finish with this song so we can wrap it up. You guys can argue later."

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