Chapter 3

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We hurriedly put back our clothes and grabbed our belongings. Never have the cops found this secret club in the two years we became regulars. Mike and I ran to the kitchen's back door and ran out. I snuck a final peek to look for Alex and found her passed out.

As we ran, I heard cops shouting and chains clacking. They were arresting them. Of course, if a teenager smokes joint and does underage drinking, the poor kid is to be arrested. I trip and find a couple of rubber shoes and change my heels.

We ran out to nowhere and everywhere at the same time. The panic and running seemed to sober me up, as well as Mike. The back door slammed open and two cops with flashlights saw us.

"Officer, two more kids at the back. The last two unarrested. And.. they're running away. I need back up."

That absolutely meant trouble. Mike grabbed my hand and we both ran on the abandoned road. When I looked back, I saw three police cars chasing after us. I wonder if anyone imagined me running from the cops when I'm just an "innocent nerd".

I shrugged the thought off when Mike cursed.

"F*ck this. A helicopter? Seriously?" He asked aloud. We turned to the left hoping to lose the cops. Unfortunately, they found us and this time went faster.

"Childeren, surrender now." A police officer in his car shouted to us.

We ignored him and kept running, if we succeed in running away, we wouldn't have a problem since we're barely recognisable. We turned again and went closer to a bridge. I looked at Mike and he nodded. He was calling someone on his phone.

To our demise, the bridge was under construction. "I'm sorry" He apologised.

"If I'm going down, it's better if it's with you." I smiled,

He softly kissed my forehead and smiled as the cops arrested us.

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