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"Thank you for the night out." Raven said as she laced her fingers with Beastboy's. They decided to walk home instead of a cab. It would allow them more time with each other.
"You're welcome. I love spending time with my girl." He placed his soft lips on her head.
"What do you think the others are doing at home?" She hadn't seen the other titans all day it seemed like.
"Well, It's a beautiful night so Robin and Starfire are probably playing grown ups in bed-" She elbowed his rib and giggled.
"And Cyborg is playing video games. Most likely."
"Yep, that sounds about right." She loved thinking of all her friend's. She wasn't mad at Robin anymore, there was no need to be. Holding bitterness doesn't solve the problem, it only makes things worse.
It was silent for awhile, but it wasn't a bad silence. It was the great silence where you just enjoy the other persons presence. It was peaceful.
"So uhh... what do you wanna do when we get back to the tower?" She lightly squeezed his hand.
"Sleep." He chuckled.
"Figures" She said with a hint of sarcasm.
"I love it when we both agree."
"Who said I agreed?" Her eyebrow raised.
"Oh, you wanna do something else?" He nudged her arm and let out a childish giggle.
"Maybe, maybe not." She placed a soft kiss on his cheek.
"Well I think we both can agree on that idea."
"Yeah, yeah I guess we can."
They finally arrived at the tower and headed to Beastboy's room.
"Thanks again really for tonight." She said taking her shoes off.
"No problem. It was fun. Well, and emotional." His hand rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah, but I'm glad we got to communicate." She wrapped her arms around his neck. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist.
He decided to take her into a passionate kiss as the walked on the bed. He didn't even feel them lay down but he soon figured out he was on top of her. He felt her tongue battle his. He eventually lifted his lips to her collarbone and ran his tongue across it. He eventually lifted up her shirt and placed butterfly kisses all around her stomach, not leaving an area untouched.
She eventually grabbed his chin and and pulled his face up to his.
"Can this resume after I take a shower?" He groaned in annoyance and laid back on the bed.
"Yes, just hurry up."
She laughed lightly and walked out.
I am so so sorry I haven't updated in a few days! School starts tomorrow and I have been always thinking about all of the what if's that could happen. At my school if you literally look at someone wrong they spread rumors so it's kind a scary. So I'm sorry but I hope you all enjoyed❤️❤️❤️

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