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After the two girls arrived home Raven went to her room. She opened one of her spell books and started working at the markings. She was trying so hard to get her powers back. She actually missed being in battle.
"Azarath Metrion Zinthos." She quietly muttered to herself. She tried to get some connection to her powers. She tried for hours and hours but she wasn't willing to give up that easy.
She got up and got her powder and poured it in a circle. She grabbed two cups from her table and put two rose leaves and cut about an inch off of her hair and put them in the cups. She placed them in the circle and she sat in the middle of the circle. With her legs crossed she started chanting to herself, hoping this would be the cure. She didn't know how long she was at it but she felt no connection.
"Maybe I'll never get them back." She thought. She wanted her powers back so she could feel somewhat useful to the team again. When she opened her eyes everything looked the same. She stood up in frustration.
"DAMMIT!" She screamed as she punched her wall. She punched it until her knuckles bled. She sat on her bed with her shaking bloody hands and sighed.
She stood up and opened her door. She headed to the bathroom to clean her bloody knuckles that ached. Luckily nobody stopped her on the way. She slammed the door and stared at her reflection for a long time without noticing. She saw the anger in her eyes and it honestly scared her.
When her hands touched the cold water coming out of the faucet she winced as pain shot up her arm. She slowly turned off the faucet and wrapped her arm up. When she looked in the mirror one last time she felt more anger than she ever had before. It was like a fire was growing and it couldn't be controlled.
Her hands were shaking and they curled into fists. She wasn't sure what she was angry about, or what she wasn't angry about.  Sweat started pouring down her face.
"What is wrong with me?" She felt like a scream was gonna escape her throat. When she was about to, the mirror shattered into a million pieces all over the floor. She looked down not fazed by all of the broken pieces and picked up one. She looked at it and saw her red face in the reflection. When she looked at her reflection she saw her eyes were glowing white. All of her anger left her body at that moment, it was like everything was normal. She felt intense energy inside. She grinned as she opened the bathroom door and walked swiftly to her room. She ran into Cyborg on the way.
"Rae what happened to your hands!?"
"Nothing." She said with a grin.
"Are you—"
"I'm better than ever." She said with a happy grin as she ran past him into her room. She slammed and door and walked to her mirror and sat down in front of it. She picked up the broken glass she still had in her hand.
When she picked it up all she saw was the men that had raped her. She closed her eyes and imagined their blood on this sharp piece of glass. She looked up and saw herself in the mirror once again and smiled wickedly.
"This is gonna be fun."
Yay Raven has a wicked side! Also I'm starting a new story called dandelion. Its a story about my life. You can read the introduction because I haven't started it yet but it's gonna happed soon! Well I hope you all in joyed and a big shout out to xxxxdarkxxangelxxxx for commenting on every chapter! It means a lot and I love you all! Thank you for 600 reads! Man I didn't know I was gonna get that many! You all are truly blessings!❤️

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