Mason walked back the way he came until he picked up another scent and jogged in that direction. As he approached he saw a tawny wolf with grey eyes growling at two smaller wolves. The tawny wolf looked up at him but didn't budge from blocking the two smaller wolves who had clearly been trying to leave.

'I leave for a few days and you've got rogues running around everywhere?' Yasmin said.

'Lily? Troy?' Mason asked, and the two smaller wolves lifted their tails wagging when they saw him.

'Mason! We were so scared' Lily cried walking over to him and rubbing her body against his leg. Troy stayed off to the side but wagged his tail slowly too.

The irrational side of Mason still wanted to be mad. Wanted to blame the two younger rogues for the actions of the older ones. But he knew they had nothing to do with what they had planned. Unfortunately, they were in trouble now because of it.

'What's going on?' Yasmin asked watching the two rogues interact with him.

'Not much time to explain but I'll recap you on it. Follow me, you guys.' Mason directed jerking his head in one direction. He took off at a decent pace for the little ones to follow.

As they ran Mason explained the rogues' situation to Yasmin and she informed him that she might've bought them a little more time. He wasn't sure if buying time with the pack would save them right now from the hunter though.

'Those assholes. So, what's the plan now and what are we going to do with the kids? They'll just get themselves killed out here' Yasmin asked bluntly, and Lily yipped scared at the comment. Troy's ears flattened against his head with the comment showing his own fear.

'We need to get them out of here somehow. They don't deserve to pay for what Henry and April did, but I'm worried the hunters are going to go all out with hunting them down now.'

'Any ideas then genius?' Yasmin asked as they made a sharp turn between the trees and paused a moment to wait for the younger wolves.

'Yeah but let's hope it even works' Mason thought as they ran.

Along the way, Mason tried sending a message out to get Jaden's attention since he'd need his friend help, but he wasn't sure if he'd respond. Something felt off with Jaden the past two days. and while Mason wanted to know they never seemed to have the time to. Slowing to a stop near the edge of the woods Mason looked back at the three wolves nodding.

'We'll need to shift back here'

Once he and Yasmin had shifted back, (and located one of the many storing places for clothes in the woods) they waited for the younger wolves to change back but realized it was taking too long.

"What's the problem?" Yasmin asked them and Troy sulked walking towards them.

Even though they were small Troy's head came up to about Mason's waist. He and Lily both hadn't changed back yet and were whimpering.

'We haven't gotten very good at shifting back on a full moon before' he projected to Masons.

Yasmin sighed and looked towards Mason since he had the plan, but he hadn't been expecting the wolves to not be able to shift back yet on a full moon. Squeezing the bridge of his nose Mason worked it out in his head.

"It's okay, its fine. Roland's place isn't far from here I'm going to ask if we could borrow his truck and try sneaking you both out past the town"

"And how will that work if they're like that?" Yasmin asked gesturing towards them.

"They'll have to lie low and he'll need to cover them but Yasmin, I'm going to need you to go with him"

"What? Why am I stuck with the getaway and the human?' she asked rolling her eyes.

"Do you want them to die?" Mason asked pointedly not in the mood for one of her moments.

Yasmin pressed her mouth shut and looked away crossing her arms. That was a stubborn way of saying no but Mason got the message. Walking over to her he grabbed her in a hug tightly and she stiffened caught off guard by the action. Lily and Troy gathered around them to press their bodies against Yasmin saying their thanks.

"Thank you for buying us some time and helping them," he told her letting who go. She rubbed her arm as if uncomfortable by his action, but he saw the faint blush on her cheeks in the moonlight.

"It's no big deal, but why go through all this trouble for them?" she asked him curiously as Lily and Troy went ahead through the trees.

"Because I want to be able to save someone without them getting hurt for once," he muttered then started backing away through the trees. "I'll try finding Jaden and well work to hold them off, please be safe and tell Roland I'll owe him big time for this one"

Yasmin nodded heading the other way and Mason turned jogging back into the trees. All he hoped was that nothing would happen but something in his gut told him it wouldn't nearly be that easy. 

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