"What?" Ada asked her aunt, nervously glancing toward the brunette, Jordan girl for any sense of help or reassurance, but Katherine's eyes (though previously watching the Aunt and her niece converse) had dropped back to her book once again, and this time she actually looked as though she were reading it. Ada then turned her blue eyes back to her Aunt, who had closed the newspaper and folded it in half in an effortless manner, before placing it back on the table and then turning her full, and undivided attention back to her confused niece. Ada's brows began to furrow.

"Stand up." Polly's demanding tone spoke, nodding to Ada. The brunette, Jordan woman's head slowly raised as she glanced to the Shelby girl. Ada reluctantly sighed, placing her slice of bread and jam onto the plate before her whilst watching her Aunt place her own cup of tea down.


"Just stand up." Polly demanded, her tone indicating that she was more than fed up with the handful of Shelby stubbornness shot her way by Ada herself, who let out a sigh as she brushing her hands together to free herself of crumbs before standing up. Polly continued. "Side on."

"Polly, what are you doing!?" Ada squirmed in discomfort as Polly suddenly grabbed ahold of Ada's breast. Katherine snorted in amusement (in the most unladylike manner she possibly could, and yet couldn't care less), whilst placing her book down on the table in front of her. Polly's eyebrow raised as a look that resembled that or someone who was less than impressed washed over the older, Gray woman's face. Ada stood there, frozen in shock, and looked to Katherine for a silent cry for help. Katherine watched the niece and Aunt duo in nothing short of sheer and utter amusement.

"Ada — How late are you?" Polly asked her niece — this was no laughing matter. A sudden look of realisation washed over poor Katherine's face, as she shuffled forward in her seat and let her jaw slack a little, hanging there idly as her hands fell from shielding her smirking lips from both Polly and Ada, to her lap. The Jordan woman's deep brown eyes flickered to Ada and her brows raised as Ada stood there in discomfort. Katherine was almost on the edge of her seat, centimetres from falling and colliding harshly with the cold floor of six Watery Lane.

"One week." Ada admitted, with a shrug — Lie. Katherine knew that Ada was lying. After all, she had known her for long enough. Growing up with only a few months between the youngest Jordan sibling and the only Shelby sister, Katherine and Ada had grown close, being practically inseparable in school together. Despite the fact Katherine's best friend was Ada's older brother, the strong, sisterly bond between Katherine and Ada, due to their closeness in age, didn't seem to falter even once. "Five weeks. . . Seven if you count weekends. I think it's a lack of iron! I got some tablets!"

"But. . . they didn't work?" Katherine said, as she eventually got out of her seat, once the shock finally began to reside slightly. Ada's lips pursed before they twisted into a frown as she shook her head. Katherine sighed and held her arms out for Ada, pulling the girl into a tight hug — one similar to that of a sister when thrust into a situation such as this. Ada's eyes closed as she sighed into Katherine's shoulder, obliviously giving Katherine and Polly a chance to share a look between one another. Polly's lips were pursed as she eyes her niece, carefully.

"No." Ada admitted as she pulled away from the younger, Jordan woman, breaking the hug between the pair. Katherine then shot Ada a smile of sympathy, her dark eyes watching as Ada turned away from Katherine to take a seat back at the table, where she previously sat. The brunette stepped forward and gently rubbed Ada's back in support, as Polly and Ada shared a look between one another. Katherine frowned, as Polly finally spoke, after falling silent for a few moments, with pursed lips and slightly raised brows.

kill kill, t. shelby (under editing!)Where stories live. Discover now