"Dinner, shower, bed. That's it" Colby said a matter of factly as he held the door open for me.

I thought about protesting but knew better and climbed into the car. I would just study whilst he was sleeping.

Today was the day. Test day. Final assessment day. Unfortunately, my grand plan of studying whilst Colby slept didn't work as my textbooks were held hostage by Dean. I managed to get them back this morning for a quick revision. I could barely sleep, but Colby stopped my constant tossing and turning by capturing me in his arms.
After my short hour and a half revision, Colby forced me to eat breakfast. I didn't want to in case I threw it back up, or worse on a patient.

I stood outside the RHH, shaking and possibly having a myocardial infarction. I had half an hour before my shift started and I still couldn't bring myself to move one foot. I wonder what Colby's doing? Why couldn't Colby be here? Why couldn't Colby be my patient? Everything seemed better when Colby was around.

After getting some strange looks I finally walked into the hospital, very slowly. Again, it was like I was in a movie. Everything slow motion. Except Colby wasn't asking me out, I sad determining my future.

Wiping my mouth, I groaned and stood from my leaning position over the toilet. I told you so Colby. I quietly grabbed a mint and sprayed some deodorant before looking at myself in the mirror.

"You can do this" I said to myself before opening the staff locker room door and stepping out into the halls of the hospital. This was it.

If I thought I hated emergency before, I definitely hate it more now. The one bad thought I had grown to constantly think of as a nurse was 'is anyone actually hurt or dying'. It honestly blew my mind at the small things people came to hospital for. A graze, toothache, bruised knee. Despite the 'what the fuck' thoughts in my head, I tried to give them the best treatment I could without looking like I didn't care.

My facilitator was nice unlike the nurse I was shadowing. She hates student nurses, which is ironic as she was once too a student nurse. So far, it felt like everything I was going was wrong. Injecting wrong, doing ECG's wrong, taking blood wrong, charting wrong, and doing health interviews wrong. In some ways, some of the easiest parts of nursing I was getting wrong. I had patients die in my arms, I had to hold hysterical family members, and that was the real challenge of nursing. Knowing the surgery wasn't a success or knowing that there isn't anything more you can do and not say anything makes me question my job as a nurse.

But here I am, standing next to the bedside of a man bought in by ambulance with a suspected drug over dose, charting as my assigned nurse is busy bitching about me. Just as I'm about to leave his heart rate monitor sets off an alarm, his heart stops. I push the code button and begin CPR as I wait for the resus team. Three people rush into the cubical with a defib and begin prepping for the defibrillator.

"Want to?" The doctor asked me, holing out the paddles to me. I nod in shock and take the paddles, preparing for the shock. It was in that moment that I felt like a real nurse. After three years it all felt real. Finally.

Waking out of the hospital, the SUV was waiting for me outside the emergency doors. "Heyyy! How'd it go nursey?" Dean yelled as I climbed into the backseat.

I nodded trying to hide the pain on my face. "It was pretty good Jon" I replied. He smirked at me using his real name.

"I think they're serious" he whispered to Joe. It was real, so why not call them by their real names?

"Anything eventful happen?" Joe asked whilst munching on a protein bar.

I shifted closer to Colby. "Well, ah" I paused. "It was okay, my assigned nurse was a bitch but uh I used the paddles for the first time to revive someone."

All three boys looked at me in shock. "Did he make it?" Joe asked, sensing my sadness.

I shook my head, "no, no he didn't he overdosed and couldn't be revived."

Colby wrapped his arm around me, kissing my head. "I'm proud of you."

With my assessment now done, it was time for smackdown. Only Colby joined me this time, wanting to be my assistant again. I wasn't really needed tonight, apparently it was a low rating show tonight, probably caused by the miz hogging the microphone for what felt like an hour. The crowd couldn't be bothered and apparently the wrestlers couldn't either. There had being no injuries,m. I had seen no one tonight. Not one person. Colby and I watched the show from the gorilla and I started to go to sleep on Colby's shoulder from boredom.

"You can call it a night" one of the backstage managers called out to me, waking me from my slumber. I nodded and grabbed Colby's hand, leading him to the exit.

"Well that was uneventful" Colby sighed as we got in the car. "Good thing we didn't interrupt tonight."

I shook my head and reversed out, heading for the hotel. "You know" Colby said, placing his hand on my thigh. "How about we celebrate tonight?" He asked seductively, winking and moving his hand further up my thigh.

"Sure, this nurse could really do with a break." I winked and laughed.

And he said I love you

This was a filler
but there will be more drama soon.

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