"Not sure, she ran off saying that she forgot to break someone's legs." Jaune shrugged.

We all stood there is silence when Ren decided to go look for her. We all had small chat, got a few questions regarding my weapon and semblance. I also learned more about their first days in Beacon, Jaune had it rough that's for sure.

Ruby's POV

We made our way towards Oum's and saw team HWPE and team JNPR sitting outside. I waved towards them when suddenly a loud explosion occurred in the distance.

"What was that?" Yang exclaimed.

"That definitely didn't sound too good." (Y/N) said as he and rest approached us.

"We should probably check it out, to make sure no one got hurt." Perseus suggested.

We all agreed and head towards the building that was smoking in the distance. It didn't take us too long to get there, it was actually just a block from the restaurant. The side of the building was shattered and there was a big hole in the wall. Police were at the scene taping the area around it.

"Stand back kids, area's off limits." an Officer said blocking our path.

"What happened here sir?" Pyrrha asked.

"We're not entirely sure of what happened, but a assume that it was a terror attack from the White Fang." he explained.

"How are you so sure that the White Fang did this?" Blake spoke up in a rather irritated manner.

"We found this at the crime scene." the officer said holding up a white mask with red scratch mark-like details running through it.

Blake seemed upset at what she saw, does she know something?

"Is there anything we can do to help?" (Y/N) asked the officer.

"I appreciate your bravery, but don't worry. We have it under control." he reassured.

We all left the scene right after and head back to Oum's. The place felt a lot quieter than earlier, ever since the explosion happened there were less people walking around in the streets. We decided to take the long way around and pass by the docks.

"Hey, get back here!" a man yelled out.

He was chasing after a monkey faunus who had a banana in his hand. He disappeared as he ran into the city.

"And this is why I particularly don't trust the faunus, they're thieves. A bunch of liars, murderers. Take the White Fang for example." she scoffed.

Blake suddenly stepped up angry.

"You can't just assume that he was a thief! Faunus have always been discriminated and they've been forced to do these acts because they've been oppressed for years!" she yelled.

"Maybe if they stopped, they wouldn't be treated and looked at this way!" Weiss retaliated.

"Well maybe we're just tired of being treated this way!" Blake retorted before she covered her mouth and ran.

"Blake!" I tried to get her attention.

"A White Fang member right up our noses." Weiss scoffed.

Your POV

Blake just ran off after a heated argument with Weiss. We now know that Blake is a faunus, but she couldn't be a part of the White Fang. Ruby is trying to reason with Weiss, but it doesn't seem like it's doing anything.

"She's our friend Weiss!" Ruby exclaimed. "You haven't even given her a chance to give her side."

Weiss walked away to who knows where and Yang followed trying to reason with her. Ruby looked down, but knowing her, she won't give up that easily.

"Let's all just head back to Beacon, I'm sure giving them time will help calm their nerves." I said reassuring her.

It didn't take too long for us to get back, my team went back to our room. I stayed with Ruby, not wanting her to be alone. We both walked around for a while trying to understand what happened earlier, knowing Blake was a faunus wasn't really much of a shock to the both of us, but the fight between Blake and Weiss impacted Ruby the most. I did my best to reassure Ruby, giving her encouraging words as we strolled through the night's cold breeze. I brought Ruby back to her dorm, she suddenly gave me a hug and thanked me. Despite being caught off guard I gladly return the hug, before heading back to my own dorm.

"Man what a day." Etsuki said in a tired manner.

"I hope Blake and Weiss are doing alright." Wintria said with concern.

I couldn't help but feel bad for Ruby, thinking about what she must feel right now.

"I hope Ruby's going to be fine, she's going to take this hardest since she's their leader." I sighed. "None of them deserve to go through all this."

My scroll suddenly rang and there was a text from Ruby.

"Guys," I said in a serious tone. "We have a problem."

"What is it?" Perseus asked.

"Blake's missing."



A/N: Chapter 4 finished, hope you enjoyed.

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