twelve; partying

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The drive to her house seemed painfully long and my chest felt tight with knots when I finally pulled into her gravel driveway. My hands were clammy with sweat, sticking to the door handle as I ungracefully clambered out of my car. My legs shook more the closer I got to her front porch, and I felt as if my heart would beat out of my chest when I brought my fist to the door.

It seemed I was impossibly more nervous to see Rainy after admitting to myself the feelings that were rapidly growing towards her. On top of that, it would be the first time she was meeting my group of friends, and God knows how they will react to her. I tilted my head to the sky and prayed that Trevor or Sam wouldn't do anything embarassing. Then, the thought of how they would react to her being mute surfaced and my stomach did a flip.

I blew out a nervous sigh and straightened my back. Their reactions would not change my feelings toward Rainy at all, so there really wasn't anything to worry about. I had a feeling they would be supportive in the end, but I couldn't calm my nerves.

My head snapped back to the reality at the click of the door. Soon a smirking Eli appeared, "Taking my sister out, Louis?"

My throat felt thick and I nervously laughed, "We're just going to a small party."

"Well, alright," he looked over his shoulder and called, "Raine! Louis's here!"

I looked frantically around Eli trying to see Rainy behind his wide frame. At first, I saw her shoes, then when she was finally at the bottom of the stairs and I could see her fully. An involuntary smile broke out on my face at the sight of her.

Eli waved his arm to me and moved out of her way. Her eyes sparkled heavenly under the light of the chandelier that hung in their foyer, and it took me all of ten seconds to catch my breath.

"Hello, sunshine," my eyes were still in a daze while my lips subconciously curved into a half smile.

She grinned widely at that and walked faster to me. Waving dismissively to her brother, she closed the door and tucked a hair behind her ear shyly. Despite my slightly sweaty hands, I outstretched my palm to her.

With a second hesitation, she closed her hand around mine.



My car was parked on the curb across the street from Sam's apartment, overlooking the crowded house. I noticed Rainy's fingers had grown uncomfortably tight around my own, indicating her uneasiness.

Her eyes were cast toward the party while she drew blood from her lip with how long she'd been biting down on it. Though, I was nervous myself, I didn't let it show as I tried to soothe her worries.

"Hey," I spoke softly and brought my fingers to her mouth, gently prying her raw lip from between her teeth. Her head snapped towards me, shocked by my actions as my hand arm stayed frozen in front of her face. With a sigh, her grip loosened slightly on my hand. "It'll be okay. Promise," I lifted our joined hands to my lips and kissed her tense knuckles.

My gaze never left her face, watching her eyes fall closed until she nodded.


Rainy followed closely behind me as we walked to pounding apartment, her hand never leaving mine, not that I minded. The door was already hanging open, so I squeezed our palms together before entering.

The music was almost deafening while red cups littered every surface. The only actual Christmas decoration in the house was Sam's tree which had its lights dangling off the side and the star on top, now, laying on the ground beside it.

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