sun - fluff

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Warnings: none, just a playful harry.

I woke up this morning with an arm around my waist and a burning pain. I happen to be super pale, a cursed trait of being a ginger. Stupidly, when I went to the beach yesterday with my boyfriend, I made the mistake of not wearing sunscreen. Bad idea.

Looking down, my whole stomach is completely sunburnt, and when I get up to go to the bathroom, I notice it hurts to move my shoulders. Gazing into the mirror, my nose and cheeks are the worst regarding my face. My shoulders, stomach, and back are equally terrible. My chest is slightly burnt, but not to the extent of the rest of my body.

"Baby why are you-Holy hell what happened to you?" In the doorway stands my boyfriend, his eyes as wide as saucers.

"Probably should've listened when you said to put on sunscreen, huh?" A small chuckles leaves his lips, his hand reaching out and patting my head.

"The urge to say 'I told you so' is so strong right now but I know you'd still find a way to punch me." I look at him in annoyance, a small smile spreading on my face despite it.

"Damn right I would. But I love you. Like a lot. A lot a lot." Standing on my tiptoes I press a chaste kiss to his lips, staring at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, I'll buy you aloe lotion. Go lay down and stop moving so much." I salute him, groaning in pain afterwards.

"I literally just said not move so much." He shakes his head, a smirk playing on his lips. He grabs me by the shoulders, thankfully gently, and guides me to our bed.



Rolling his eyes, he walks out of our room, and I hear the front door shut not too soon after. Reaching for the remote, I start searching for something to watch on Netflix, eventually settling for American Horror Story. I'm half way through an episode when I start to nod off, my eyes becoming droopy. I grab for the blanket next to me, curling into it and dozing off.

"I'm back!" My head snaps up instantly, the loudness of my boyfriend making me nearly piss myself.

"Christ, you scared me. I was sleeping." I whine, my eyes finding Harry in front of the door to our bedroom.

"My bad." He laughs, taking his rings off one by one and setting them on the dresser.

"What're you doing?" He barely ever takes his rings off, and saying I was confused would be an understatement.

"Well you can't exactly put lotion on your back by yourself. Come here." He waves me over with his hand, opening the bottle and patting the edge of the bed.

Lifting my shirt over my head, I wince at the pain in my, yep you guessed it, shoulders. I turn my back towards him, moving my hair off my back.

The moment the lotion comes in contact with my skin is like immediate relief, cooling the burning sensation on the spot. He finishes quickly, turning me around and carefully applying it to my face.

"Can you stand up so I can get your stomach?" Nodding, I place myself between his legs, giggling slightly everytime he touches me.

"Such a child." He mutters, a soft smile on his lips.

"You love me anyway." I lean my head down a little, kissing his forehead.

"I guess." I gently smack his arm, a laugh bubbling out of me.

"Ok, all done. Wait a couple minutes for it to dry before you sit down or anything." Giving him a hug, Harry takes the moment to press a soft kiss to my lips.

"Please wear the damn sunscreen next time." He laughs, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Fair enough. I'll think about it." He shakes his head, but the longer I stare at him the quicker a smile takes place on his face.

"What am I gonna do with you?"

"Love me?"


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