summer heat - fluff

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Warnings: none, just a cute and slightly shy harry.

Summer is definitely not my favorite season. It gets so hot sometimes, I literally want to kill myself. But it's worse when you have no a.c. This is honestly probably one of the hottest summers ever, and the fans just aren't doing it today.

Wait I'm so stupid. I'll just call someone to fix it. Once I found the number on Google, I pressed 'call' and hoped I wouldn't say anything stupid.

"Hello? Yeah, uhm, my a.c broke and I need to fix it."

"So do you need a repairman?"

"Oh, uh, yeah. Is it possible to have someone do it today?"

"Nope. Earliest we can send someone out is next week."

"Wow, o-okay."

The heat? For this long? Jesus Christ. After scheduling an appointment, I plopped down on the couch.

There's no way I can handle the heat for that long. It's way too hot in here.

"Ooo, maybe I'll just go buy two of those air conditioners that go in the window. But how do I set them up?" Great, the heat has officially gotten to me and now I'm talking to myself. Good job Y/N.

I hauled myself off the couch, grabbed my keys, and headed to Walmart.

"Please let them have air conditioners left. Pleasepleasepleaseplease."


Walking into Walmart was like walking into heaven. It was so cool in there, I really didn't want to leave. It took me for-fucking-ever to find, but eventually I bought two air conditioners and then begged an employee to help me get them to my car because I have no upper body strength whatsoever.

Did I mention my car doesn't have air conditioning either? Yeah, it's just great. And then I realized I had no idea how I was going to get them out of my car and into my house.

"Fuck." I mumbled, pulling into my driveway. If I wasn't such an introvert I'd ask my neighbor for help. I think his name was Harry? Shit, I don't remember.

I popped my trunk and tried to move one, but of course, it wouldn't budge.

"Okay, I can do this. On three Y/N, one, two, th-"

"Do you need help Y/N?" My mantra was interrupted by my laughing neighbor. And I haven't spoken to him since I moved in........a year ago. I said I was an introvert. And wow, that laugh. Wow.

"Uh, yeah. Yeah that would be great." The smile he sent my way made my heart melt a little, but it also might've been the heat. I'm not completely sure.

As I unlocked my door, I couldn't help but sneak a glance at his biceps, which were bulging out of his muscle tee. My eyes traveled up his body to find Harry looking at me, a glint in his eye and smirk on face.

"S-sorry." I pushed open my door and walked in, quickly moving out of the way so he could get through.

Harry went to go get the second one, and then set them both onto my coffee table. And then I was at a loss for words. I never took in how hot he was. And wow, those eyes. Yeah, it definitely wasn't the heat melting my heart.

"Are you gonna need help setting them up?" Crap, I hadn't even thought of that. If I can't even lift it, how am I supposed to get it in my window? As much as I'd love for Harry to continue gracing me with his presence, I don't want to trouble him.

"No, it's okay. I can just call my brother and ask him to come over." Harry stared at me for a good few seconds, before a small chuckle left his lips.

"Y/N, you don't have a brother. When you moved in you said you were an only child. Remember?" A smile broke onto his face, along with a laugh after realizing I had no comeback for that.

"Right. Uhm. Right." I joined his laughter, completely aware of how stupid I looked.

"It's not a problem, Y/N. Trust me, it won't take long." I gave in, and honestly, who wouldn't? With a face like that, I couldn't resist. Besides, he offered.


And, Harry was right. It actually didn't take long to set the air conditioners up. One in my living room, and one in my bedroom. Hopefully they'd get me through the week.

"Thanks for your help Harry. I'd die from heat stroke if it wasn't for you." It was safe to say I'd become more comfortable around him, after having him in my house for the past thirty minutes.

"It wasn't a problem, honestly. I'm kinda glad your a.c broke, it gave me a chance to finally spend some time with the beautiful girl next door." If I wasn't so dehydrated, I'd have choked on my spit. All I could do was smile and blush, as I felt my cheeks get increasingly hotter than they were before.

"I guess you're okay." I laughed, and when Harry joined in I was relieved that I hadn't offended him on accident.

"So, uh, would you maybe like to hang out under, uh, different circumstances?" Watching Harry become so nervous after being so confident just moments before was literally one of the cutest things I'd ever seen.

"Are you, asking me on a date?" I couldn't help but smile, he was just so cute.

"Y-yeah." He sent me a small smile, the blush getting increasingly more red.

"Well in that case, I'd love to hang out."

"Cool. C-cool. Uhm, well, you have my number so I'll just, uhm, text you soon." Harry slowly backed up towards my door, and before I could tell him to watch out he bumped into the wall. I couldn't contain my laughter, and neither could Harry.

I pressed a kiss to his cheek, and told him I'd be waiting for his text. Once I shut my door, I peeked through the window to find Harry fist pumping the air.

What a cutie.

Harry Styles Imagines {Discontinued} Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang