Chapter 1

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I groaned in annoyance at my alarm before turning my back towards my creamy white walls to face the monsters that woke me up from my slumber. I let the blankets unwrap themselves from my body as I sat up to shut it off. I slipped myself out of bed as my feet padded across the cold wooden tiled floor making there way towards my bathroom door.

I pushed the door open to be met with my tired eyes watching me from the mirror. My hand reach for the sink to open the Faucet onto cold water. I cupped my hands and gathered a normal amount of water in my hands to wash the tiredness out of my eyes and face. Once I washed my face fully through I brushed my teeth and brushed the tangles out of my hair. I will shower after school.since I will get dirty anyways.

I walked outside my bathroom and made my way towards my small closet that was filled with tumblr writings that I attempted but failed and some poster. My hands reached for a pair of skin tight jeans and a black v-neck and a red rolled up flannel. The sound of chirping birds and traffic was the only thing you could hear outside #stfu.

Once I was done I went to the bathroom to run the mascara stick a couple times over my eyelashes before grabbing an apple and my blue and white striped bag pack that had a sailor zipper and setting off to school.


Skip the walk to the bus


I climbed onto the bus and scanned the crowd searching for a seat. My eyes landed on a slightly tanned blonde With blue eyes, she was really pretty. Since I was to busy judging people up in my mind I didn't notice I had tripped on my own shoe laces.


The chapters are really short oops

Anyways I made a polyvore follow me on there. For some reason all usernames were taken except "niallersbutterfly" so sorry for the short chapter I'm just a beginner

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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