Cats update

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Leader- Scourge - Dark tom with a white paw
Deputy- LockJaw- Scarred brown tabby tom
Medicine Cats- Fade- Light grey she-cat
Titan- Golden tom
Furly- Cream colored she-cat
Plum- Dark furred she-cat

The Mighty (Highest and best warriors)
Crow- Black tom
Stinger- Leith Golden she-cat
Ratface- Ragged furred dark tom
Toxin- Big muscled grey tom
Deadheart- Dark she-cat with many many battle scars

Crimson - Ginger she-cat
Striker- Long-legged white she-cat with a black muzzle, paws, ear tips, and tail tip
Strider- Black tom with white legs and paws
Crane- Yellow tom
Frostbite- Pure white she-cat with ice blue eyes
Trigger- Light brown tom
Gunpowder- Silver she-cat with many battle scars and torn fur
Christmas - Tortoiseshell she-cat
Leotor- Gray tabby she-cat

Queens (she-cats nursing or expecting kits. The only cats aloud mates are the leaders, deputies, The Mighty, and cats that are given permission from the leader only)
Slasher- Scarred brown tabby she-cat nursing Scourge's kits; Falcon- Brown tabby tom-kit and Crow- Black she-kit

Leader- Flash- White she-cat
Deputy - Plane- Black tom
Medicine cats- Poppy- Cream and gray she-cat
Seeds- Yellow tabby tom
Teena- Pretty silver she-cat

The Mighty
Tracker- Black battle-scarred tom with brown paws
Tide- Brown tabby tom
Killer- Crimson colored tom

Stripes- White tom with black tabby markings
Root- Dark tabby tom
Trike- Gray tom
Pixie - Silver she-cat
Katrina- Pretty brown she-cat with a scar down her muzzle
Fang- Dark gray tom with many scars and one missing eye


Leader- Scarclaw- Golden tom large scars lacing his pelt and a few cases torn out
Deputy- Hornet- Brown tom
Medicine cats- Spike- Gray tom
Cracker- Cream colored tom
Cricket- Light brown she-cat
Cookie- Brown she-cat

The Mighty
Fly- Black tom
Condor- Black tom
Pacer- Long legged ginger she-cat
Hound - Brown tabby tom

Beagle- Tortoiseshell she-cat
Cliff- Big gray battle scarred tom
Monopoly - Black she-cat
Linda- Ginger she-cat
Jack- Small black tom
Snare- Big russet tom

Tornface- Golden she-cat with a torn up face (formerly known as Sandberry until she rebelled) nursing Scarclaw's kits- Blaze- Golden tom, Lilac- Golden she-cat, and Sunshine- Golden she-cat
Nightstripe- Black she-cat with white stripes nursing Hornet's kits- Badgerkit- Back and white striped tom, Grizzlykit- Brown tom, Shadekit- Black she-kit, and Hawkkit- Dark brown she-kit

Leader: Ghoststar- Dark gray she-cat
Deputy: Flamestrike- White tom with orange stripes, paws, muzzle, tail tip, and ear tips
Apprentice- Sharkpaw- Muscled brown tom
Medicine cat: Pikefin- Gray she-cat

Icefate- Dark blue she-cat
Apprentice- Splashpaw- Black she-cat with a splash of white on her face
Fadedheart- Dark gray she-cat with torn fur
Nightheart- Pure black she-cat
Weaselstripe- Dark brown tom with white paws and ears and white tabby markings
TalonClaw- Burly tom
Oaktail - Light brown tabby tom
Frostember- Dark gray she-cat with white specks
Bearstripe- Dark brown tabby tom
Scarpelt -Small black she-cat with a long scar down her side
Crabstrike- Reddish tom with black tabby markings
Rainprancer- Gray tabby tom with white paws
Raggedflame- Flame colored tom
Birchstep- Ginger she-cat
Ravensmoke- Long legged dark gray she-cat with Black paws, tabby markings, ear tips, and tail tip
Tigervenom- Ginger she-cat with black tabby markings
Jackdawleap- Gray tom with black legs
Nightmoon- Gray she-cat with a white circle around both eyes

Hummingflight- Tortoiseshell she-cat nursing TalonClaw's kits;
Hawkkit- Burly kit, Spottedkit- Tortoiseshell she-kit, Dappledkit- Tortoiseshell she-kit
Junipernose- Red she-cat with a flash of white on her nose nursing Weaselstripes kits- Ferretkit- Dark brown she-kit with white paws, ears, and tabby markings, Otterkit- Dark brown tom-kit, Hollykit- Red she-kit, and Crimsonkit- Red tom-kit

Swiftstar- White she-cat with a black muzzle, paws, ear tips, tail tip and a ginger streak across her face
Deputy- Owltalon- Gray tom with a big X like scar on his face
Apprentice- Petalpaw- Ginger she-cat (formerly known as Petal)
Medicine Cat- Marigoldfoot- Golden she-cat with brown paws
Apprentice- Leafpaw- Brown tom (formerly known as Leaf)

Sapfur- Golden as brown tom (formerly known as Strangler)
Sunpelt- Golden she-cat (formerly known as Star)
Blackstreak- Pure black and well muscled tom (formerly known as Blacky)
Flarepelt- Flame colored tom (formerly known as Flare)
Apprentice- Gingerpaw- Orange she-cat (formerly known as Ginger)
Cinderspeck- Light brown she-cat (formerly known as Cinder)
Ashwhisker- Gray tom (formerly known as Ash)
Sootpelt- Gray tom (formerly known as Soot)
Siltheart -Black tom (formerly known as Silt)
Beakmuzzle- Gray tom with a yellow muzzle (formerly known as beak)
Screechfur- Golden tom with a brown muzzle and paws (formerly known as Screech)
Blueclaw- Blue furred tom (formerly known as Blue)
Silverstorm- Silver she-cat (formerly known as Silver)
Bearpelt- Dark brown tom (formerly known as Bear)

Quickheart- Black she-cat with a white underbelly and a splash of white on her chest nursing Flarepelt's kits; Firekit- Flame colored tom-kit, Bluekit- Gray blue she-kit, Lightningkit- Black tom-kit with a white underbelly and white paws, and Blazekit- Flame colored she-kit
Sparrowcry- Tortoiseshell she-cat expecting Bearpelt's kits

Leader- Pinestar- Brown she-cat with ginger stripes
Deputy- Frogsplash- Mottled brown and gray tom
Medicine cat- Lakespots- Tortoiseshell she-cat

Dawnflight- Orange tabby she-cat (formerly known as Dawn)
Storkwing- White tom with a black muzzle and paws
Apprentice- Snowpaw- White she-cat (former rogue)
Whitestone: White time with a black tabby markings
Leader- Splashstar- Gray tom with a flash of white on his chest and white paws
Deputy- Dogfang- Dark brown she-cat
Medicine Cat- Meadowheart- Golden tabby she-cat

Marshfoot- Brown tom with one white paw
Apprentice- Flightpaw- Gray tom (former rogue and Toothpaw's brother)
Adderscale- Scarred golden brown tom
Leapfeather- Dark gray tabby she-cat with flashes of white and green eyes (former rogue Tank)
Shineripple- Beautiful silver tabby she-cat with white paws and blue eyes (former rogue Glossy)
Apprentice- Toothpaw- Golden she-cat (former rogue)

Dragonfly- Red she-cat expecting Marshfoot's kits

Fall Of The Clans: Book One- New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now