First night

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It was dark outside. As always, I can't sleep any longer. Woke up mere minutes ago with those terrible nightmares still hunting my mind. I can feel the chilly temperature of the room we're held in, but now it felt relaxing, calming for my skin.
I looked around the room. My eyes get to used to the darkness, maybe that's why I can see a little better. I can see the other girls curled up in their cages, tried to sleep for some hours.
We were here in this room forever. Waiting to get a master so we can get out of this place. Anywhere would be better then this.

I can't remember what the sun felt like on my skin, the wind creasing my face, the fresh, green grass at my feet as I ran. Now it's just dark and cold. I've been here over 4 years I guess. In this month I will be 18 and maybe someone will notice me.

Most vampires gets slaves because of hunger. They would be the playthings, the fresh blood what they can drink anytime of the day. Others tend to think of us as maids. We do chores around the house and if we behave we can live. Big present if may I add. The Lords and Ladies tend to have at least two or three slaves. Why? Because they can do it. They always look at us from head to toe, look at our bare skin, smell our blood and if we get their interest, they will buy us.

Nothing more or less. This is a simple game.

Today is nothing special. I laid awake on the floor at my cage when I hear the shop owner open the front door with hes keys. He say some rude words because the door won't open as easily as he thought. It was an old wood door... What did he expect?
With a quick motion he kicked open the door and started to light up the room. That's when the other girls bolted awake and sit on the floor. They we're scared. Anyone would be scared really.

Actually, the owner wasn't that bad person. We got to eat two times a day, shower at least once a week and if we got sick he would give us medicine. He wouldn't want he's goods to be broken ,would he? Nicer goods, bigger money.

Nothing more or less.

Lot's of vampires buy pets, slaves or blood banks. But no one noticed me yet. They wouldn't give me a look. Just go straight in front of my cage and never bother to look in it. But I'm not surprised! I'm not that nice to the eyes to watch. I have dark brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Maybe if I would be in good care, I would say I have a good figure. But in this situation I can hardly see meat on my bones.
My appetite is not the best in here.

The shop opens for another long day. It's early in the morning but some wealthier vampire already stand by the door. The owner would go to them and start to ask about their preferred blood type, the way how the slave should look. And then he would show us. Talk about our skin, our perfect blood, the way we act or even how can a girl moan.

An older woman came in front of my cage and looked down. I stared at her deep blue eyes for a second before I looked away ashamed. We mustn't look to them in this way. It's a big deal to show our respect to them. Even I'm away from her by a few inches, I can smell her sweet perfume. The flowery scene get to my nose and I can't help but sniff to the air. It's has been a long time I've smelled this good in the air. Minutes later I hear her shoes clicking on the hard floor as she went to the other girls.
She didn't choose me.

I don't really know if it's a good or a bad thing.

Hours later the shop is nearly closed. Today was a busy day actually. Many many higher vampire lords and ladies came and bought one or two slave. I was sitting in the back of my cage, my legs under my chin and hummed an old melody to myself. My mama would sing it to me when I was younger. She always sit me besides her and started to tell great stories. Stories about a different world, a world where vampires are just fairy tales, bedtime stories. In that world the humans ruled the lands and they we're in peace with all supernatural creatures. The little girls played with fairies, the boys wrestled with the goblins and the adults just smiled at them.
At the memory I let out a small laugh. It would be too nice to be true.

Suddenly the shop's door open and the owner went ahead to see, who the hell come in this hour. It was past midnight.

"Welcome your lordship! Let me help you with your coat." I heard the owner's temping voice. He was scared? Impossible. During my time here I never heard anything like that.

Carefully I climbed to the front to see the man. As I started to climb and looked up a face merged out before me. Because of the sudden action I let out a scream and landed on my bum. I covered my face with my arms and after a minute I was able to look across my shoulder.

This was the first time I saw him.


Hello my dear friends in wattpad! I hope you liked the first chapter of my new story.
The pictures I use are not mine unless I don't say I made them! I put them here to let you see how I imagined the settings, the people and the places.
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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2018 ⏰

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