I giggled. "I'll be the one in white."

He chuckled back and blew a kiss down the phone. "Bye beautiful."

"Bye." I whispered as the line went dead. I held the cellphone to my ear for the next thirty seconds trying to take in every detail of this wonderful day. I didn't want to forget a single thing.

The doorbell rang out loudly from downstairs and I could hear the frantic sound of the front door opening as Isabella burst out into excited screams. I rushed to the top of the staircase and giggled happily when I saw Rydel and Maddison with their bridesmaid gear in a posh plastic bag they'd picked up from the bridal store. "There she is!" Rydel exclaimed, placing Maddison down on the carpet beside Isabella. "It's the bride to be!"

I rushed downstairs to her and leapt into her arms, within seconds the both of us were crying tears of pure happiness and excitement. "Please tell me that you're here to calm me down and glam me up?"

Rydel smirked at me and pulled her beauty bag out from behind her back. "Oh, this old thing? Hell yeah girl we are going to go full glam!"

We both giggled and I quickly said hello to Maddison and gave her a quick cuddle before joining Rydel upstairs in my bedroom. Maddison had a short bob of blonde hair and big green eyes like Ratliff. She was three years old now and her and Isabella got on like a house on fire. The friendship they shared was a beautiful one and Rydel and I were very happy about that.

"Girl you are so tense right now!" Rydel exclaimed from behind me. I was sat in front of my vanity mirror watching as she figured out what makeup products to use and what style my hair should be for the wedding. "I promise you there's nothing to worry about. The day I married Ratliff was insane but I was so happy. The only thing that can beat that sort of happiness is giving birth to your first child which you and I both know the feeling of."

I smiled at her and let out a long awaited deep breath. She smiled back at me and nodded her head in approval. "See? A couple of deep breaths and a small glass of champagne are all you need!"

Rydel whipped a bottle of champagne out from her bag and giggled excitedly as she poured us a glass each. "Well, cheers!" She said before taking a sip of hers. I watched as her face fell into a frown when I didn't take a sip from mine. "Laur... that's champagne! I know you don't want to get drunk or anything but... it's champagne!"

I bit my lip and turned myself around to face her. "Delly..." I began. I watched as her big brown eyes curiously eyed me up and down. I was surprised that she hadn't caught on to the surprise I was about to tell her. "I can't have any champagne... or any alcoholic beverage tonight for that matter because... well... I'm pregnant."

Rydel stopped in her tracks and placed our glasses of champagne on the side of the dressing table before turning her full attention back to me. She held a makeup brush up in her hand and let out a nervous giggle. "I'm sorry... I thought you just said that you're pregnant?"

I awkwardly bit my bottom lip and shrugged my shoulders. "That's because I am."

I reached into the top drawer of my vanity and pulled out a positive pregnancy test that I had taken a couple of nights ago after feeling violently sick when I walked in to the stench of my mom cooking lasagne which just so happened to be one of my favourite foods. "See? It's a positive. I'm only two months so I didn't want to say anything. I guess I kind of forgot that I'll be expected to drink today."

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