Chapter Four

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Chapter 4

Liam's P.O.V

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU JUST HIT HER AROUND THE HEAD!" Ruby screamed from the front of the van, still swerving, trying to outrun the League.

"Chubs! Chubs listen okay! I need you to tell me what I need to do now!" I was trying to be calm.



I look over at Elise and her pain throbs in my own gut, deep and warm in the worst possible way. I had no idea how to help her, how to make it all stop.

"Well if you wanted to save her, giving her concussion probably wasn't the best idea" Chubs continued.

"SHE CAN'T FEEL ANY PAIN IF SHE'S UNCONCIOUS!" I screamed back at him, glancing at Elise for a split second. Zu was beside her, staring in terror at a puddle of blood that was starting to drip onto the floor.


"SHE'S NOT RANDOM!" Ruby yelled "One look at his face tells you that Chubs. Just do something!"

Chubs looked at me for a moment, a question appearing on his lips. He started into my eyes, which were brimming with tears and widened in alarm. His features softened. And then his eyes glowed green.

"Okay! Okay! Zu, shut the doors!". He'd snapped into action. "LIAM! We're going to need direct pressure perpendicular to the entry, elevation 95 degrees at least, pressure bandage the area, maybe a tourniquet as a last resort– in that order!"

"In English Chubs!" I shouted back, a warning anger in my voice "You're not making any sense!"

"Fine! Just let me do it!"

"Ruby! How far away are we from them?" I shouted to the front of the van instead.

"Not far enough!"

She kept driving as blood soaked into Elise's sleeve, radiating outwards. Chubs stripped the fabric away to show the dark hole puncturing her upper arm. The bullet wound was a mess, as if she'd been hit with two different kinds of weapon at once.

Chubs looked at the wound and narrowed his eyes, panicking and gulping loudly.

Elise was in so much pain her complexion was ashen. Her natural golden skin had sunken in tone to something so lifeless it scared me just to look at it.

I grabbed her hand and laced my fingers through her.

"It's going to be alright darlin'. You're going to be fine"

"Hey Chubs," Ruby tried, her voice softer and calmer than I had been "You've got this okay? You're the smartest person I know. Deep down you know what to do,"

But he stepped away, shaking his head

I threw my hands against the side of the van, punching it harder and harder until my fists ached, until every ounce of frustration was out. It was eating me up inside, the guilt, it felt as though someone had their hand in the pit of my stomach squeezing my organs as hard as they could. I only stopped hammering the side of the van when I saw Zu run up beside her. She was pointing at her chest frantically, slamming her hands against her torso, tears appearing in her eyes. I rush over to Elise, calling her name, giving her a little shake, thinking Zu was trying to say she was waking up.

Only she wasn't.

She was still prodding at her chest, only more vigorously. She was unresponsive. My fingers fumbled across Elise's lips.

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