Baby! Calum and Toddler! Luke

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Ashton walks into the house to find a hyper Luke, a little Calum curled up with his blanket watching scooby doo, and a stressed out Michael chasing Luke all around the house. "Luke you stop it right now!" Michael shouts as Luke makes another lap around the first floor of their house. "Gotta catch me first Daddy!" Luke says, a blanket tied around his neck like a cape, his batman pajama t shirt, and his pull up poking out of his pajama bottoms, running around like a mad man. Ashton knows he should intervene, but watching the extremely difficult time Michael was having with Luke was the most entertaining thing that he'd seen all day. When Ashton hears a crash from the kitchen, as Luke makes another round, he decides it's time to relieve Michael of his Daddy duties and reward him with a more than deserved nap. "I'm home!" He shouts, earning Calum's full attention as he launches himself at Ashton. "DadaDadaDadaDada!!" Luke rushes skipping to him, a pot placed on top of his head like a hat and two pans he was knocking together in tow. "How are my sweet little boys doing? Any time outs or spankings I need to know about?" Ashton asks, knowing the two tended to take advantage when they only had one Daddy watching them, on the rare occasion that either Ashton or Michael would leave them while they were in their headspace. "Only one timeout, no spankings." Michael informs, smiling proudly at the fact that he had kept most of the 'I want Dada' tantrums at bay. Michael silently, and unbeknownst to Calum, pointed at the youngest of the two, who was clutching his blanket and his pinkie pie pony stuffed animal. Ashton shook his head that he got the message and noted to himself to make sure he talked to his baby before nap time. "So who wants to go out to dinner as a reward for being good boys." Ashton asks, figuring he could treat the lot to some dinner. "Me!" Luke shouts barreling towards his room and picking out his big boyish clothes, with just a hint of toddler. Calum's shoulders slump and he trails off to the sofa hugging his stuffed animal and letting out a muffled sob, one that was clearly not made for either of his daddies to hear. "What's wrong sweet pea? You were okay just a moment ago." Ashton asks, popping his Cookie Monster dummy into his mouth. "You said reward for good boys, and Calum was naughty today." Calum says, a tear spilling over. Ashton wasn't planning on having this conversation with his youngest baby now but he figured now was as good as anytime. "And what was it that you did that was so naughty?" Ashton asks. "I made a pretty picture, but Daddy didn't like it so he put me on da naughty step." Calum pouts, sucking on his dummy while playing with his pony's mane. "And why exactly did Daddy not like the 'pretty picture'? Ashton asks trying to be more forward with the baby. "I made the picture on da wall." Calum whispers. "On what wall hunny?" Ashton asks. "In my nursery." Calum says climbing into his Dada's lap. "You're always our sweet little angel, why'd you decide to act out today, huh?" Ashton asks blowing a raspberry onto Calum exposed tummy, making Calum explode with laughter. "He told me he didn't know why he did it, but right after he started sobbing and screaming that he missed you." Michael chimes making Calum stop giggling and stare at Michael with a look of betrayal on his face. "Aw did Daddy's wittle Cal miss him?" Ashton teases making Calum go red in the face. "Stop it Daddy! I'm a big boy and big boys don't miss their Daddies!" Calum pouts, crossing his arms. "Big boys also don't wet nappies or drink bottles, but you do that too." Luke announces, earning a stern look from Michael. "Speaking of nappies, do you need a nappy change sweet boy?" Ashton asks, easing more into his Daddy role once again. "No!" Calum replies, covering his crotch. "He's lying Daddy! I felt him go wee wee when he was sitting on my lap watching Scooby Doo!" Luke exclaims making Calum kick his feet. "Did not!" Calum calls, eyes rimmed with exhaustion. "Did too!" Luke calls back, spitting his tongue out at his younger brother. "Okay boys that's enough. C'mon baby boy, it's nap time for you! I'll just check your nappy before I put you down." Ashton commentates hoisting Calum onto his hip and climbing the stairs to the nursery lying him on the changing mat. "I told you already Daddy, I no need new nappy." Calum whines. "Your brother says he felt you use it while sitting on his lap, plus there's no harm in checking, is there?" Ashton explains, just mindlessly babbling to keep Calum distracted. "Daaaaaadeeeee!!" Calum shrieks as Ashton wipes his pee covered crotch with a wet wipe, not enjoying the cold, wet sensation. "Sorry baby." Ashton coos, pulling Calum's freshly diapered bum into his arms and sitting on the rocking chair singing to Calum. "Are you happy Daddy's home baby boy?" Ashton asks continuing to rock back and forth soothing the younger boy. "Yes! I no like it when Daddy leaves. I missed Daddy calling me his baby boy. It's no fair you had to go bye byes for awhile Daddy." Calum says obviously distraught. "I know, I'm sorry that Daddy had to leave, but you know if I could've stayed with you I would've, right baby?" Ashton asks, cuddling his poor baby. "Yes Daddy." Calum smiles, tugging on one of Ashton's curls. "Hey now! You know better than to pull hair, Cal." Ashton scolds gently, taking Calum's hand out of his hair and giving it a kiss. "I'm hungry, Daddy." Calum whines. "Let's go to dinner then." Ashton smiles, picking Calum up and changing him into his big boy clothes.

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